Taoscopy Lite for iOS: ads but no more limitations

Published: Saturday, 27 July 2019
Updated: Thursday, 1 August 2019

The free version of Taoscopy for iOS took a little longer than expected, on the one hand because the site needed to be updated, and on the other hand because I decided not to limit the number of readings that the user could record anymore and I therefore integrated ads in the application, which is now only Lite by the name...

Originally I thought I would limit the Analysis view, sharing and some other features but the oracle of the Yi-Jing advised me to integrate advertising. This is not without problems, because you have to ask yourself where to put these ads, and what to do if the user cuts off the internet so that you don't see them anymore?

The oracle told me to place these ads in the wizard and close the wizard if the internet doesn't work. Here are some of the questions I asked the oracle:

The situation: 48.5 (48 > 46)

What will be the difference in Taoscopy Lite depending whether ads are displayed or not?

48.5 (48 > 46)
48.5 (48 > 46) - THE 3INGHEXAGRAM.

The fifth line, undivided, shows a clear, limpid well, (the waters from) whose cold spring are (freely) drunk.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
48.5 (48 > 46) - Committing forces

One asks the assistants who are ready to come back to respond to the needs.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
48.5 (48 > 46) - Committing forces

One asks the assistants who are ready to come back to respond to the needs.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
48.5 (48 > 46) - Tsing, le puits

Tsing : puits.

Quand le puits est bien clair, on boit à sa source fraîche et pure.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
48.5 (48 > 46) - Engager ses troupes

On demande aux assistants qui sont prêts de revenir répondre aux besoins.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
48.5 (48 > 46) - Szervezet

Felkéri segítőit akik készen állnak a visszatérésre.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex

The situation: (32 > 2)

Should I insert ads in the Analysis view? (32 > 2) (32 > 2) - THE HĂNG HEXAGRAM.

  • 2. The second line, undivided, shows all occasion for repentance disappearing.
  • 3. The third line, undivided, shows one who does not continuously maintain his virtue. There are those who will impute this to him as a disgrace. However firm he may be, there will be ground for regret.
  • 4. The fourth line, undivided, shows a field where there is no game.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex (32 > 2) - Withdrawing one's offer

One removes the superfluous to accommodate their supports.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex (32 > 2) - Withdrawing one's offer

One removes the superfluous to accommodate their supports.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex (32 > 2) - Hâng, la durée

Hāng : 1. Constance, permanence, stabilité ; 2. Partout, complètement ; 3. Lune presque pleine.

  • 2. En éloignant toute faute, on s’assure la stabilité (et non par des efforts). Ou : la constance éloigne toute faute. — Ceci n’est qu’un composé de termes auguraux pour faire nombre.
  • 3. Celui qui ne rend pas sa vertu constante perpétuera sa honte et ne parfera que ses erreurs.
  • 4. (Un homme sans vertu est) un terrain sans gibier.

    Note. Ceci n’est qu’une suite du § 3 et se rapporte à l’absence complète, permanente de gibier ; à « partout, entièrement » (2e sens) ; ou à l’image de la lune qui est comme une terre déserte.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex (32 > 2) - Retirer son offre

On enlève le superflu pour accueillir ses soutiens.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex (32 > 2) - Kitartás

  • 2. Javítani kell mert nincsenek források.
  • 3. Nem kötelezik el magukat ha nem kapnak bizalmat.
  • 4. Ha nem törődik vele idejében, nem látnak belőle semmit.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex

The situation: 51.5.6 (51 > 25)

Should I close the assistant if ads won't be displayed?

51.5.6 (51 > 25)
51.5.6 (51 > 25) - THE KĂN HEXAGRAM.

  • 5. The fifth line, divided, shows its subject going and coming amidst the startling movements (of the time), and always in peril ; but perhaps he will not incur loss, and find business (which he can accomplish).
  • 6. The topmost line, divided, shows its subject, amidst the startling movements (of the time), in breathless dismay and looking round him with trembling apprehension. If he take action, there will be evil. If, while the startling movements have not reached his own person and his neighbourhood, (he were to take precautions), there would be no error, though his relatives might (still) speak against him.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
51.5.6 (51 > 25) - Shock

One respects one's guests without being used as a house servant.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
51.5.6 (51 > 25) - Shock

One respects one's guests without being used as a house servant.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
51.5.6 (51 > 25) - Kán, l’ébranlement

Kán : tonnerre, effroi répandu, crainte.

  • 5. Le tonnerre allant et venant répand l’effroi ; mais on doit tâcher de ne pas abandonner les affaires entreprises. Même dans le danger pressant, on doit garder le milieu.
  • 6. Le tonnerre répand l’effroi et fait partout regarder avec trouble et crainte. S’il atteint et frappe, il causera un grand mal. (Ou : il corrige le mal.) Mais s’il ne frappe ni tel personnage, ni ses voisins, ce ne sera point un mal et fera seulement jaser les habitants d’une même maison.
    Quand le tonnerre gronde, que l’orage éclate, le sage recherche la cause de ce fait (et tâche de profiter de l’avertissement céleste).

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
51.5.6 (51 > 25) - Le choc

On respecte ses invités sans pour autant leur servir de personne à tout faire.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
51.5.6 (51 > 25) - Megrázkódtatás

  • 5. Szilárdan áll a megrázkódtatás kezdetekor és végigkíséri a többieket míg véget nem ér.
  • 6. Elvesztette a leggyengébbet, visszafogottnak kell maradnia míg nem változnak.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex

The situation: 63.2.4 (63 > 43)

Should I add in-app purchase so that the Lite version stops displaying ads?

63.2.4 (63 > 43)
63.2.4 (63 > 43) - THE KÎ 3Î HEXAGRAM.

  • 2. The second line, divided, (shows its subject as) a wife who has lost her (carriage-)screen. There is no occasion to go in pursuit of it. In seven days she will find it.
  • 4. The fourth line, divided, shows its subject with rags provided against any leak (in his boat), and on his guard all day long.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
63.2.4 (63 > 43) - Maximum

One traffics to earn more money than necessary.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
63.2.4 (63 > 43) - Maximum

One traffics to earn more money than necessary.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
63.2.4 (63 > 43) - Tchi tzi, ce qui suit l’achèvement

Tchi-tzi : traversée achevée, achèvement, succès, moyen d’achever, compléter.

  • 2. Voyage fini (interrompu), comme d’une femme qui, ayant perdu le voile de son char (Keū tchi pi, tenture qui entourait le char et cachait la personne qui le montait. Sans ce voile, une femme vertueuse ne pouvait voyager. Son voyage était donc fini jusqu’à ce qu’elle le retrouve et elle ne pouvait aller à découvert pour le chercher) ne peut le chercher, mais le retrouve seulement après quelques (sept) jours.
    Elle agit ainsi parce qu’elle suit la voie de la sagesse.
  • 4. Lorsque les bords, les franges d’un habit se mouillent, il faut être sur ses gardes jusqu’au bout de la traversée (ou bien : lorsqu’en bateau on est obligé d’employer les bords de ses habits pour boucher les trous, etc.).
    Il y a lieu de craindre alors.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
63.2.4 (63 > 43) - Le maximum

On trafique pour gagner plus d'argent que nécessaire.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex
63.2.4 (63 > 43) - Maximum

  • 2. Nem kér bizalmat de megkapja a javítások révén.
  • 4. Ha valaki nem várt nehézségbe ütközik, siessen ellenőrizni.

Bing DeepL Google Yandex

There we are, now the next step is to upgrade the Android version to add the same functionnalities that the iOS version has.

Taoscopy Lite on the App Store
Taoscopy Lite on the App Store

Update: the app is available again on the App Store


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