An hexagram is a combination of six yin and yang lines.
Under the conditions of Tâ Khû it will be advantageous to be firm and correct. (If its subject do not seek to) enjoy his revenues in his own family (without taking service at court), there will be good fortune. It will be advantageous for him to cross the great stream.
Bing DeepL Google YandexSee if everything is alright. That way, one will find the invisible problems.
Bing DeepL Google YandexSee if everything is alright. That way, one will find the invisible problems.
Bing DeepL Google YandexTexte
Grand, bon entretien. Il affermit et perfectionne. Si l’on ne ruine pas sa maison (la dévore), ce sera bien ; on traversera heureusement les difficultés.
C’est une montagne dans le ciel (le ciel au milieu). Le sage, comprenant toute chose, discute d’abord, puis agit, pour entretenir ainsi sa vertu.
Le grand entretien, c’est le fort affermissant sa droiture, sa justice, répandant un brillant éclat ; renouvelant chaque jour ses vertus. Fort et élevé, il met la sagesse au-dessus de tout ; il peut s’établir fermement en une droiture extrême. Il entretient surtout la sagesse ; il répond aux ordonnances du ciel.
Aller voir si tout va bien. Ainsi on découvrira les problèmes invisibles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexMegnézni hogy minden rendben van-e. Ily módon felfedezheti a rejtett problémákat.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe trigrams are combinations of three yin and yang lines. The three bottom lines of the hexagram form the lower trigram and represent the inner situation. The three top lines form the upper trigram and represent the outer situation.
The lines represent the evolution of the hexagram, from the bottom (young) to the top (old).
The first line, undivided, shows its subject in a position of peril. It will be advantageous for him to stop his advance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne doesn't want to go and see it immediately because it is less important.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne doesn't want to go and see it immediately because it is less important.
Bing DeepL Google YandexQuand il survient quelque danger, il est bon de s’arrêter (se vaincre), de céder aux circonstances et de ne point vouloir l’emporter de force.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn ne veut pas aller voir tout de suite car c'est moins important.
Bing DeepL Google YandexNem akar menni és azonnal megnézni mert nem olyan fontos.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe second line, undivided, shows a carriage with the strap under it removed.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne leaves because one is not being trusted.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne leaves because one is not being trusted.
Bing DeepL Google Yandex(Comme, par exemple, quand) un char a perdu le cuir qui le maintient en place (droit).
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn part car on ne nous fait pas confiance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe third line, undivided, shows its subject urging his way with good horses. It will be advantageous for him to realise the difficulty (of his course), and to be firm and correct, exercising himself daily in his charioteering and methods of defence; then there will be advantage in whatever direction he may advance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is accompanied by someone who is pursuing the same goal.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is accompanied by someone who is pursuing the same goal.
Bing DeepL Google YandexCelui qui chemine avec des chevaux bien entretenus, sortira heureusement des difficultés. S’il s’exerce chaque jour à conduire et combattre, tout réussira pour lui. (Suite de la bonne éducation.)
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn est accompagné par quelqu'un qui poursuit le même but.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe fourth line, divided, shows the young bull, (and yet) having the piece of wood over his horns. There will be great good fortune.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne controls the other's aggressiveness by yielding.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne controls the other's aggressiveness by yielding.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLe joug, la planchette que porte le jeune boeuf est d’un usage très heureux pour le dompter et le former au labourage (second sens).
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn maîtrise l'agressivité de l'autre en cédant.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe fifth line, divided, shows the teeth of a castrated hog. There will be good fortune.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne waits for the youngest to return to ask them for forgiveness.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne waits for the youngest to return to ask them for forgiveness.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLorsqu’un sanglier est châtré, dompté, ses défenses sont exemptes de danger (et sont plutôt un instrument utile). — Arracher les dents à un sanglier, c’est priver un méchant des moyens de nuire.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn attend que les plus jeunes reviennent pour leur demander pardon.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe sixth line, undivided, shows its subject (as) in command of the firmament of heaven. There will be progress.
Bing DeepL Google YandexCombien la voie du ciel est étendue ! Qu’elle est immense à parcourir !
Allusion à la forme de l’hexagramme qui représente une montagne au-dessus du ciel. Se rapporte à l’expression tchu kih.
The nuclear hexagram is the association of the two inner trigrams (lines 2,3,4 and 3,4,5). It represents the root, or the origin of the situation.
Kwei Mei indicates that (under the conditions which it denotes) action will be evil, and in no wise advantageous.
Bing DeepL Google YandexKwai « mariage, mariage d’une jeune sœur ». Si, en y procédant, on commet quelque faute, il n’en arrivera rien d’heureux. (Peut-être n’y a-t-il ici que prévision malheureuse opposée aux prévisions contraires du paragraphe 53).
On doit corriger le mal ou l’on n’aura aucun avantage. (Phrase mutilée. Voir II, § I.)
Marier une jeune sœur est un devoir suprême prescrit par le ciel et la terre (à ses frères). Quand le ciel et la terre sont sans relation, les êtres ne naissent pas. Marier une jeune fille est le principe et la fin de l’homme ; c’est un acte qui cause la joie.
Le tonnerre au-dessus d’un marais forme le Koua. L’homme supérieur, pour s’assurer une fin heureuse, pense au malheur.
The companion hexagram that makes the situation whole.
In (the state denoted by) 3hui, the king will repair to his ancestral temple. It will be advantageous (also) to meet with the great man ; and then there will be progress and success, though the advantage must come through firm correctness. The use of great victims will conduce to good fortune ; and in whatever direction movement is made, it will be advantageous.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe responsibility of a group requires foresight, perseverance and availability.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe responsibility of a group requires foresight, perseverance and availability.
Bing DeepL Google YandexTexte
Le roi qui sert fidèlement le temple des ancêtres, prospérera et se montrera grand ; il consolidera sa puissance. S’il présente des victimes de premier ordre, il sera heureux et réussira en tout.
Eau stagnante au-dessus de la terre. Ainsi le sage prince tient ses armes en ordre pour se garder contre les attaques imprévues.
Ts’ui est « agrégation en harmonie » ; docilité joyeuse et force juste correspondant l’une à l’autre. De là, agrégation vivant en concorde. Le roi, servant le temple des ancêtres, y faisant des offrandes avec une piété filiale parfaite, fait voir sa grandeur. L’union ainsi formée sera bonne et juste. En présentant les grandes victimes, il se conforme aux ordres du ciel. En cette union, on peut voir les sentiments du ciel, de la terre et de tous les êtres.
La responsabilité d'un groupe demande prévoyance, persévérance et disponibilité.
Bing DeepL Google YandexEgy csoport felelőssége megköveteli az előrelátást, kitartást és rendelkezésre állást.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe mirror hexagram shows a movement in the reverse direction. When an hexagram is its own mirror, it either means that the hexagram goes in both directions or does not move at all.
Wû Wang indicates great progress and success, while there will be advantage in being firm and correct. If (its subject and his action) be not correct, he will fall into errors, and it will not be advantageous for him to move in any direction.
Bing DeepL Google YandexWhen one overlooks the future, one will not see what is coming.
Bing DeepL Google YandexWhen one overlooks the future, one will not see what is coming.
Bing DeepL Google YandexTexte
Conduite irréprochable ; absence d’inconduite, de manque de droiture, etc. Si l’on n’est pas droit et juste, il arrivera des malheurs. Tout sera sans avantage quoi que l’on fasse.
Le tonnerre roulant sous le ciel. Toute chose est droite en sa nature. Les anciens rois, conséquemment, dans leurs efforts, se conformaient aux raisons pour entretenir leurs peuples. Com. II. — Le fort du dessus domine tout. (Trigramme du ciel.) Agissant fortement, il établit solidement. Il garde le milieu, il est ce qu’il doit être.
Par la droiture on prospère grandement, c’est l’ordre du ciel. Si l’on n’est pas juste, on sera malheureux, on ne réussira en rien. Quelle est la conséquence de la droiture ? Quel acte de l’homme irréprochable le ciel ne secondera-t-il pas par son ordre ?
Quand on néglige l'avenir, on ne verra pas ce qui vient.
Bing DeepL Google YandexUnder the conditions of Tâ Khû it will be advantageous to be firm and correct. (If its subject do not seek to) enjoy his revenues in his own family (without taking service at court), there will be good fortune. It will be advantageous for him to cross the great stream.
Bing DeepL Google YandexSee if everything is alright. That way, one will find the invisible problems.
Bing DeepL Google YandexSee if everything is alright. That way, one will find the invisible problems.
Bing DeepL Google YandexTexte
Grand, bon entretien. Il affermit et perfectionne. Si l’on ne ruine pas sa maison (la dévore), ce sera bien ; on traversera heureusement les difficultés.
C’est une montagne dans le ciel (le ciel au milieu). Le sage, comprenant toute chose, discute d’abord, puis agit, pour entretenir ainsi sa vertu.
Le grand entretien, c’est le fort affermissant sa droiture, sa justice, répandant un brillant éclat ; renouvelant chaque jour ses vertus. Fort et élevé, il met la sagesse au-dessus de tout ; il peut s’établir fermement en une droiture extrême. Il entretient surtout la sagesse ; il répond aux ordonnances du ciel.
Aller voir si tout va bien. Ainsi on découvrira les problèmes invisibles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexMegnézni hogy minden rendben van-e. Ily módon felfedezheti a rejtett problémákat.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe first line, undivided, shows its subject in a position of peril. It will be advantageous for him to stop his advance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne doesn't want to go and see it immediately because it is less important.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne doesn't want to go and see it immediately because it is less important.
Bing DeepL Google YandexQuand il survient quelque danger, il est bon de s’arrêter (se vaincre), de céder aux circonstances et de ne point vouloir l’emporter de force.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn ne veut pas aller voir tout de suite car c'est moins important.
Bing DeepL Google YandexNem akar menni és azonnal megnézni mert nem olyan fontos.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe second line, undivided, shows a carriage with the strap under it removed.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne leaves because one is not being trusted.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne leaves because one is not being trusted.
Bing DeepL Google Yandex(Comme, par exemple, quand) un char a perdu le cuir qui le maintient en place (droit).
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn part car on ne nous fait pas confiance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne congratulates one's opponents who have fought bravely.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne congratulates one's opponents who have fought bravely.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn félicite ses adversaires qui se sont battus avec courage.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe third line, undivided, shows its subject urging his way with good horses. It will be advantageous for him to realise the difficulty (of his course), and to be firm and correct, exercising himself daily in his charioteering and methods of defence; then there will be advantage in whatever direction he may advance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is accompanied by someone who is pursuing the same goal.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is accompanied by someone who is pursuing the same goal.
Bing DeepL Google YandexCelui qui chemine avec des chevaux bien entretenus, sortira heureusement des difficultés. S’il s’exerce chaque jour à conduire et combattre, tout réussira pour lui. (Suite de la bonne éducation.)
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn est accompagné par quelqu'un qui poursuit le même but.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne would like to receive a sound advice but others are not qualified enough.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne would like to receive a sound advice but others are not qualified enough.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn souhaite recevoir un avis éclairé mais les autres ne sont pas suffisamment compétents.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn épluche des légumes à longueur de journée.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne refuses to see other offers until being convinced that the first proposals are not viable.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne refuses to see other offers until being convinced that the first proposals are not viable.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn refuse de voir d'autres offres avant d'avoir été convaincu de la non-viabilité des premières propositions.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe fourth line, divided, shows the young bull, (and yet) having the piece of wood over his horns. There will be great good fortune.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne controls the other's aggressiveness by yielding.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne controls the other's aggressiveness by yielding.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLe joug, la planchette que porte le jeune boeuf est d’un usage très heureux pour le dompter et le former au labourage (second sens).
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn maîtrise l'agressivité de l'autre en cédant.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne finishes late because of inspections that took longer than expected.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne finishes late because of inspections that took longer than expected.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn termine en retard à cause des inspections qui ont duré plus longtemps que prévu.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will know how to tell others what one wants.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will know how to tell others what one wants.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn saura dire aux autres ce que l'on veut.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has caught a disease that is not listed in the records.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has caught a disease that is not listed in the records.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn a attrapé une maladie qui n'est pas répertoriée dans les annales.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne assigns one's best student to an assistant position.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne assigns one's best student to an assistant position.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn affecte son meilleur élève à un poste d'assistant.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne knows the principles by which one must act.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne knows the principles by which one must act.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn connait les principes selon lesquels il faut agir.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne regrets lacking of time to do what one would have liked.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne regrets lacking of time to do what one would have liked.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn regrette de ne pas avoir eu le temps de faire ce qu'on aurait voulu.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne knows the ways and means by which one can succeed in doing what was planned.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne knows the ways and means by which one can succeed in doing what was planned.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn connaît les voies et les moyens par lesquels on peut réussir à faire ce qu'on avait prévu.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe fifth line, divided, shows the teeth of a castrated hog. There will be good fortune.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne waits for the youngest to return to ask them for forgiveness.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne waits for the youngest to return to ask them for forgiveness.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLorsqu’un sanglier est châtré, dompté, ses défenses sont exemptes de danger (et sont plutôt un instrument utile). — Arracher les dents à un sanglier, c’est priver un méchant des moyens de nuire.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn attend que les plus jeunes reviennent pour leur demander pardon.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne approves a decision that others have made out of loyalty.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne approves a decision that others have made out of loyalty.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn approuve une décision que les autres ont prise par fidélité.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne establishes a sanitary procedure to avoid any risk of contagion.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne establishes a sanitary procedure to avoid any risk of contagion.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn établit une procédure sanitaire pour éviter tout risque de contagion.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hides one's catches so that others don't know where to go.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hides one's catches so that others don't know where to go.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn cache ses prises pour que les autres ne sachent pas où aller.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is dying to not be able to do what one had planned previously.
One is dying to not be able to do what one had planned previously.
On étouffe de ne pas pouvoir faire ce qu'on avait prévu de prime abord.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne cultivates a certain ability to do what others do not dare to try.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne cultivates a certain ability to do what others do not dare to try.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn cultive une certaine habileté à faire ce que les autres n'osent pas tenter.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not kill those who can heal one's best friends.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not kill those who can heal one's best friends.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn ne tue pas ceux qui peuvent guérir ses meilleurs amis.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne checks that the others did not arrive at the wrong place.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne checks that the others did not arrive at the wrong place.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn vérifie que les autres ne sont pas arrivés au mauvais endroit.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne frees oneself by yielding to the will of those who control.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne frees oneself by yielding to the will of those who control.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se libère en cédant à la volonté de ceux qui contrôlent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is tormented by an unimportant detail, so one looks for ways to fix it.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is tormented by an unimportant detail, so one looks for ways to fix it.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn est tourmenté par un détail sans importance, alors on se met en quête des moyens d'y remédier.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not elaborate on the content of what one has learned with others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not elaborate on the content of what one has learned with others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn ne s'étend pas pas sur le contenu de ce qu'on a appris avec les autres.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne spies on their relatives to find out where they have hidden what one has been looking for for a very long time.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne spies on their relatives to find out where they have hidden what one has been looking for for a very long time.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn épie ses proches pour savoir où ils ont caché ce qu'on cherche depuis très longtemps.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne sees that things are evolving very quickly so one changes with them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne sees that things are evolving very quickly so one changes with them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn voit que les choses évoluent à vive allure alors on change avec elles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne shows others what one has chosen for the competition.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne shows others what one has chosen for the competition.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn montre aux autres ce qu'on a choisi pour la compétition.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is charmed by courteous gestures.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is charmed by courteous gestures.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn est conquis par des gestes courtois.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne shuddered, discovering the disorder that others have left behind.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne shuddered, discovering the disorder that others have left behind.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn a frémi à la découverte du désordre que les autres ont laissé.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe sixth line, undivided, shows its subject (as) in command of the firmament of heaven. There will be progress.
Bing DeepL Google YandexCombien la voie du ciel est étendue ! Qu’elle est immense à parcourir !
Allusion à la forme de l’hexagramme qui représente une montagne au-dessus du ciel. Se rapporte à l’expression tchu kih.
One makes of climate the central question of their intervention.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne makes of climate the central question of their intervention.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait du climat la question centrale de son intervention.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne approves without reservation a measure designed to restore order.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne approves without reservation a measure designed to restore order.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn approuve sans la moindre réserve une mesure destinée à rétablir l'ordre.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne recovers their poise the time to fight their last battle.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne recovers their poise the time to fight their last battle.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn retrouve son assurance le temps de livrer un dernier combat.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne replaces an element that has become faulty.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne replaces an element that has become faulty.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn remplace un élément devenu défectueux.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn s'attend à ce que d'autres choses soient dévoilées.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne packs up under the effect of sudden disillusionment.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne packs up under the effect of sudden disillusionment.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn plie bagages sous l'effet d'une soudaine désillusion.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is going to fail if one shows aggressiveness.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is going to fail if one shows aggressiveness.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn va échouer si on se montre agressif.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne ends up understanding what others have endured when one experiences setbacks of the same kind.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne ends up understanding what others have endured when one experiences setbacks of the same kind.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn finit par comprendre ce que les autres ont enduré quand on subit des revers de même nature.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne stumbles while trying to make up for one's mistake.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne stumbles while trying to make up for one's mistake.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn trébuche en tenant de rattraper son erreur.
Bing DeepL Google YandexEven the most cynical had not foreseen such calamities.
Bing DeepL Google YandexEven the most cynical had not foreseen such calamities.
Bing DeepL Google YandexMême les plus cyniques n'avaient pas prévu de telles calamités.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne goes through hardships that others have knowingly placed in the way.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne goes through hardships that others have knowingly placed in the way.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn traverse des épreuves que les autres ont placé sciemment en travers de la route.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne continues with one's buddies because the others do not have the same enthusiasm.
One continues with one's buddies because the others do not have the same enthusiasm.
On continue avec ses copains car les autres n'ont pas le même entrain.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is having a chat over a nice drink while waiting for the preparation to be finished.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is having a chat over a nice drink while waiting for the preparation to be finished.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn papote autour d'un bon verre en attendant que la préparation soit finie.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is not doing well when one makes decisions that one abandons immediately afterwards.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is not doing well when one makes decisions that one abandons immediately afterwards.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn ne tourne pas rond quand on prend des décisions que l'on abandonne tout de suite après.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne sharpens one's hypothesis by calling for new studies.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne sharpens one's hypothesis by calling for new studies.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn affute son hypothèse en réclamant de nouvelles études.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hopes that one's relatives will not be bothered by the events.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hopes that one's relatives will not be bothered by the events.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn espère que ses proches ne seront pas gênés par les événements.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne makes precise calculations to know how much effort remains to be done.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne makes precise calculations to know how much effort remains to be done.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait des calculs précis pour savoir les efforts qu'il reste à fournir.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne claims one's innocence without answering the accusations that have been made.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne claims one's innocence without answering the accusations that have been made.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn clame son innocence sans répondre aux accusations qui ont été formulées.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes over from those who have fought all the time.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes over from those who have fought all the time.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn prend le relai de ceux qui ont combattu sans arrêt.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne overcomes the last obstacles to get to the end of one's project.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne overcomes the last obstacles to get to the end of one's project.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn triomphe des derniers obstacles pour arriver à la fin de son projet.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne cultivates a sense of timeliness by intervening at every opportunity.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne cultivates a sense of timeliness by intervening at every opportunity.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn cultive son sens de l'à-propos en intervenant à tout bout de champ.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne may hurt others if one does not pay attention to their whims.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne may hurt others if one does not pay attention to their whims.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn peut blesser les autres si l'on ne fait pas attention à leurs caprices.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has climbed the steps that lead to the success of one's projects.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has climbed the steps that lead to the success of one's projects.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn a gravi les marches qui mènent à la réussite de ses projets.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is preparing to replace those one has lost.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is preparing to replace those one has lost.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se prépare à remplacer ceux qu'on a perdu.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne traces a line around the established perimeter.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne traces a line around the established perimeter.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn trace un trait autour du périmètre que l'on a établi.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne rushes when the others call because one is overwhelmed with worry.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne rushes when the others call because one is overwhelmed with worry.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn accourt quand les autres appellent car on déborde d'inquiétude.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hopes to be able to declare one's flame before the others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hopes to be able to declare one's flame before the others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn espère pouvoir déclarer sa flamme avant les autres.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne increases the distance from which others can watch.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne increases the distance from which others can watch.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn accroît la distance depuis laquelle les autres pourront regarder.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne penalises those who have not been able to respond in a timely manner.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne penalizes those who have not been able to respond in a timely manner.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn pénalise ceux qui n'ont pas su répondre en temps utile.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne learns to pay attention to the ideas one develops when they may offend the sensibilities of younger people.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne learns to pay attention to the ideas one develops when they may offend the sensibilities of younger people.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn apprend à faire attention aux idées que l'on développe quand elles peuvent heurter la sensibilité des plus jeunes.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne surrenders before the enemy because the troops did not survive after the assault.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne surrenders before the enemy because the troops did not survive after the assault.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn capitule devant l'ennemi car les troupes n'ont pas survécu après l'assaut.
Bing DeepL Google Yandex