An hexagram is a combination of six yin and yang lines.
The first line, undivided, shows that (to its subject) occasion for repentance will disappear. He has lost his horses, but let him not seek for them ;--they will return of themselves. Should he meet with bad men, he will not err (in communicating with them).
Bing DeepL Google YandexFriends who have left will come back and derogatory people will calm down if one stays quiet.
Bing DeepL Google YandexFriends who have left will come back and derogatory people will calm down if one stays quiet.
Bing DeepL Google YandexQuand (il n’y a pas d’opposition, mais concorde, que) toute cause funeste disparaît (on revient à l’union comme) un cheval perdu qui revient de lui-même sans qu’on le cherche.
Si l’on rencontre un méchant même, il n’en surviendra rien de fâcheux (on saura se préserver de ses coups ou éviter son contact corrupteur).
Les amis qui sont partis reviendront et les personnes désobligeantes se calmeront si on reste tranquille.
Bing DeepL Google YandexA barátok akik elmentek visszatérnek, a becsmérlő emberek pedig elcsendesednek ha valaki megőrzi béketűrését.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe trigrams are combinations of three yin and yang lines. The three bottom lines of the hexagram form the lower trigram and represent the inner situation. The three top lines form the upper trigram and represent the outer situation.
The nuclear hexagram is the association of the two inner trigrams (lines 2,3,4 and 3,4,5). It represents the root, or the origin of the situation.
Kî 3î intimates progress and success in small matters. There will be advantage in being firm and correct. There has been good fortune in the beginning ; there may be disorder in the end.
Bing DeepL Google YandexKi tsi « traversée accomplie 4, première réussite ». Si le succès suivant est faible, c’est qu’après un commencement heureux, la fin a été troublée (Comme à 64).
4 Ce mot peut avoir différents sens, nous ne les discuterons pas maintenant.
Traversée accomplie ; premier succès ; mais le succès suivant peut être faible car, après un commencement heureux, il peut survenir trouble et danger.
L’eau par-dessus le feu forme le Koua. Le sage, par sa prévoyance et sa crainte prudente, se garde contre les dangers et reste en paix.
Tchi-tzi = traversée accomplie, réussite, progrès. Les petites affaires réussissent aisément. On réussit facilement quand petits et grands, forts et faibles, sont droits et justes et chacun en sa place et son rang. Un bon commencement peut avoir des suites funestes quand la sagesse des personnes s’épuise.
On peut apporter quelques améliorations pour ne pas voir le déclin.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe same line number on the mutated hexagram. It reperesents what can be done AFTER to correct the situation described by this line, as a sort of remedy or solution.
The first line, divided, shows its subject (like a fox) whose tail gets immersed. There will be occasion for regret.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne wanted to get one's own way while pretending to listen to others, but those who had been neglected resist and show the weaknesses of the result, so one repairs by letting oneself be guided by the most competent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne wanted to get one's own way while pretending to listen to others, but those who had been neglected resist and show the weaknesses of the result, so one repairs by letting oneself be guided by the most competent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLa queue s’enfonçant dans l’eau constitue un danger.
On ne sait pas comment cela finira.
Suite de l’imprudence et de la présomption.
On a voulu faire à son idée tout en faisant semblant d'écouter les autres, mais ceux qui avaient été négligés résistent et montrent les faiblesses du résultat, alors on répare en se laissant guider par les plus compétents.
Bing DeepL Google YandexÚjításokat akart előkészületek nélkül, de mások ellenálltak és megmutatták gyengeségeiket, így javít rajtuk míg a legrátermettebb nem képes vezetni őket.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe derived of the reciprocal. It represents what could have been done BEFORE to prevent the situation described by this line, as a sort of remedy or solution.
The topmost line, divided, shows its subject with (even) his head immersed. The position is perilous.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe others avoid helping, so one continues to improve to repair without them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe others avoid helping, so one continues to improve to repair without them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexCelui qui, en traversant (un fleuve), se mouille la tête, est en danger. (Si la tête même entre dans l’eau.)
Cette situation est dangereuse, on ne peut en prévoir l’issue.
Les autres évitent d'apporter leur aide, alors on continue de s'améliorer pour réparer sans eux.
Bing DeepL Google YandexA többiek óvakodnak a segítségnyújtástól, így nélkülük javít tovább.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe hexagram upside down. It represents the opposite situation, and as such is insturmental when validating comments.
The topmost line, undivided, shows its subject possessed of sincerity and arrayed in majesty. In the end there will be good fortune.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is called by one's relatives so one joins them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is called by one's relatives so one joins them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexDroit, juste et plein de majesté, le roi aura une fin heureuse.
La vraie dignité restaure la nature en son état d’intégrité primitive.
Les proches nous appellent alors on les rejoint.
Bing DeepL Google YandexHívja közeli szeretteit hogy csatlakozzanak hozzá.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe first line, undivided, shows that (to its subject) occasion for repentance will disappear. He has lost his horses, but let him not seek for them ;--they will return of themselves. Should he meet with bad men, he will not err (in communicating with them).
Bing DeepL Google YandexFriends who have left will come back and derogatory people will calm down if one stays quiet.
Bing DeepL Google YandexFriends who have left will come back and derogatory people will calm down if one stays quiet.
Bing DeepL Google YandexQuand (il n’y a pas d’opposition, mais concorde, que) toute cause funeste disparaît (on revient à l’union comme) un cheval perdu qui revient de lui-même sans qu’on le cherche.
Si l’on rencontre un méchant même, il n’en surviendra rien de fâcheux (on saura se préserver de ses coups ou éviter son contact corrupteur).
Les amis qui sont partis reviendront et les personnes désobligeantes se calmeront si on reste tranquille.
Bing DeepL Google YandexA barátok akik elmentek visszatérnek, a becsmérlő emberek pedig elcsendesednek ha valaki megőrzi béketűrését.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLes autres reviennent pour expliquer ce qu’ils veulent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is confused because the others thought that one would give them blows in case of refusal.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is confused because the others thought that one would give them blows in case of refusal.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn est confus car les autres ont cru qu'on allait leur donner des coups en cas de refus.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne remembers sometimes having not been well received.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne remembers sometimes having not been well received.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se souvient parfois d'avoir été mal reçu.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne bends under the weight of a large number of items.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne bends under the weight of a large number of items.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn plie sous le poids d'un grand nombre d'articles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne understands better when the others are talking.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne understands better when the others are talking.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn comprend mieux quand ce sont les autres qui parlent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is propelled to the top of sales because one has captured the signs of the times.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is propelled to the top of sales because one has captured the signs of the times.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn est propulsé en tête des ventes car on a capturé l'air du temps.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne receives one's guests to announce an unexpected event.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne receives one's guests to announce an unexpected event.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn reçoit ses invités pour leur annoncer un événement inattendu.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne knows how others can have so many enemies.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne knows how others can have so many enemies.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn sait comment les autres peuvent avoir autant d'ennemis.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is fined for breaking the rules.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is fined for breaking the rules.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn reçoit une amende car on a enfreint les règles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne drinks to the health of those who have left.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne drinks to the health of those who have left.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn trinque à la santé de ceux qui sont partis.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne knows only one alternative to that which one has chosen.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne knows only one alternative to that which one has chosen.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn ne connaît qu'une seule alternative à celle que l'on a choisie.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne wants to speak one's mind so that others are not baffled.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne wants to speak one's mind so that others are not baffled.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn tient à préciser le fond de sa pensée pour que les autres ne soient pas décontenancés.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne surrenders again because the enemy has returned.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne surrenders again because the enemy has returned.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn capitule encore une fois car l'ennemi est revenu.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is going to clean up so as not to have to worry about the slanderers.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is going to clean up so as not to have to worry about the slanderers.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn va faire le ménage pour ne pas avoir à se soucier des médisants.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne finds the contradictions to their taste.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne finds the contradictions to their taste.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn trouve les contradictions à son goût.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is amused by the loss of a worthless object.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is amused by the loss of a worthless object.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn s'amuse de la perte d'un objet sans valeur.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne refrains from doing more than some to avoid destabilising them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne refrains from doing more than some to avoid destabilizing them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se retient de faire plus que certains pour ne pas les déstabiliser.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne contacts those who can tell us what to do.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne contacts those who can tell us what to do.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn contacte ceux qui peuvent dire ce qu'il faut faire.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne had a great time listening to one's lawyers.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne had a great time listening to one's lawyers.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn a pris du plaisir à écouter ses avocats.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne tries to believe what others say but they can't succeed.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne tries to believe what others say but they can't succeed.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn essaie de croire ce que les autres disent mais on n’y arrive pas.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne admits to having had incestuous intercourse.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne admits to having had incestuous intercourse.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn admet avoir eu des rapports incestueux.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne promotes one's best people so that others understand the meaning of their commitment.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne promotes one's best people so that others understand the meaning of their commitment.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn promeut ses meilleurs éléments pour que les autres comprennent le sens de leur engagement.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will be done soon, but the others don't want to wait any longer.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will be done soon, but the others don't want to wait any longer.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn aura bientôt fini mais les autres ne veulent plus attendre.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne commits a fatal mistake by trying to fight one's enemies.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne commits a fatal mistake by trying to fight one's enemies.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn commet une erreur fatale en essayant de combattre ses ennemis.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does more than one's share to compensate for the lack of willingness of others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does more than one's share to compensate for the lack of willingness of others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait plus que sa part pour compenser le manque de volonté des autres.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne resumes making difficulties because the others have not kept their word.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne resumes making difficulties because the others have not kept their word.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn recommence à faire des difficultés parce que les autres n'ont pas tenu parole.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will talk about what one has done with those who can clear the air.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will talk about what one has done with those who can clear the air.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn reparlera de ce qu'on a fait avec ceux qui peuvent tirer les choses au clair.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne sets oneself apart from their partners to have a clear field.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne sets oneself apart from their partners to have a clear field.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se démarque de ses coéquipiers pour avoir le champ libre.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne explains the complications to those who know what one is talking about.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne explains the complications to those who know what one is talking about.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn explique les complications à ceux qui savent de quoi on parle.
Bing DeepL Google YandexBoth talk again despite the difficulties to get along.
Bing DeepL Google YandexBoth talk again despite the difficulties to get along.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se reparle malgré les difficultés à s'entendre.
Bing DeepL Google Yandex