An hexagram is a combination of six yin and yang lines.
The fourth line, divided, shows one looking as if adorned, but only in white. As if (mounted on) a white horse, and furnished with wings, (he seeks union with the subject of the first line), while (the intervening third pursues), not as a robber, but intent on a matrimonial alliance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hurries when others are waiting for help.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hurries when others are waiting for help.
Bing DeepL Google YandexBelle, simple comme un griffon blanc, la jeune fille n’épousera pas un ravisseur, un brigand (mais restera sans tache).
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait vite quand les autres attendent de l'aide.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe trigrams are combinations of three yin and yang lines. The three bottom lines of the hexagram form the lower trigram and represent the inner situation. The three top lines form the upper trigram and represent the outer situation.
The nuclear hexagram is the association of the two inner trigrams (lines 2,3,4 and 3,4,5). It represents the root, or the origin of the situation.
One can make others say what one wants when they are absent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne can make others say what one wants when they are absent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn peut faire dire aux autres ce qu'on veut quand ils sont absents.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe same line number on the mutated hexagram. It reperesents what can be done AFTER to correct the situation described by this line, as a sort of remedy or solution.
The fourth line, undivided, shows the manner of its subject's coming. How abrupt it is, as with fire, with death, to be rejected (by all) !
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne rushes, but does not have the strength to last.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne rushes, but does not have the strength to last.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLa lumière du feu apparaît subitement ; elle brûle, donne la mort ; on ne peut la supporter.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se précipite, mais on n'a pas la force de durer.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe derived of the reciprocal. It represents what could have been done BEFORE to prevent the situation described by this line, as a sort of remedy or solution.
The third line, undivided, shows its subject in a position like that of the declining sun. Instead of playing on his instrument of earthenware, and singing to it, he utters the groans of an old man of eighty. There will be evil.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne responds when one is called.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne responds when one is called.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLorsque l’éclat du soleil est à son déclin, ce n’est plus la joie qu’il inspire, mais la tristesse. (Litt. : on ne fait plus de musique au moyen des instruments de terre, ni en chantant, mais c’est le gémissement d’un vieillard. Le tout indique la déchéance et le chagrin qu’elle cause.)
L’éclat du soleil ne peut toujours durer.
On répond quand on nous appelle.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe hexagram upside down. It represents the opposite situation, and as such is insturmental when validating comments.
The third line, divided, shows one gnawing dried flesh, and meeting with what is disagreeable. There will be occasion for some small regret, but no (great) error.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOthers don't accept because one lacks firmness.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOthers don't accept because one lacks firmness.
Bing DeepL Google YandexMordre de la viande sèche et dure et rencontrer des malveillants, c’est peu de chose si l’on ne fait rien de blâmable. (I. e. avoir des difficultés et des peines, être décrié est un moindre mal que de faire des choses blâmables.)
Bing DeepL Google YandexLes autres n'acceptent pas car on manque de fermeté.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe fourth line, divided, shows one looking as if adorned, but only in white. As if (mounted on) a white horse, and furnished with wings, (he seeks union with the subject of the first line), while (the intervening third pursues), not as a robber, but intent on a matrimonial alliance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hurries when others are waiting for help.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hurries when others are waiting for help.
Bing DeepL Google YandexBelle, simple comme un griffon blanc, la jeune fille n’épousera pas un ravisseur, un brigand (mais restera sans tache).
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait vite quand les autres attendent de l'aide.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne warns others that one has already prepared everything that was needed.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne warns others that one has already prepared everything that was needed.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn prévient les autres que l'on a déjà préparé tout ce dont on avait besoin.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne accompanies one's relatives to prevent them being deprived of support.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne accompanies one's relatives to prevent them being deprived of support.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn accompagne ses proches pour qu'ils ne soient pas dépourvus de soutiens.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne enforces one's rights to prevent others from appropriating what does not belong to them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne enforces one's rights to prevent others from appropriating what does not belong to them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait prévaloir ses droits pour éviter que les autres ne s'approprient ce qui ne leur appartient pas.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne presents one's works to those who are able to appreciate them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne presents one's works to those who are able to appreciate them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn présente ses œuvres à ceux qui sont capables de les apprécier.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne cancels a debt that others cannot pay.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne cancels a debt that others cannot pay.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn annule une dette que les autres ne peuvent pas régler.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is reluctant to do what others ask for because one finds it preferable to give them explanations.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is reluctant to do what others ask for because one finds it preferable to give them explanations.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn répugne à faire ce que les autres demandent car on estime préférable de leur donner des explications.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne appreciates being left out rather than being forced to do what others say.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne appreciates being left out rather than being forced to do what others say.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn apprécie plus d'être mis à l'écart que d'être obligé de faire ce que les autres disent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne listens to others to get an opinion of their feelings.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne listens to others to get an opinion of their feelings.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn écoute les autres parler pour se faire une opinion de leurs sentiments.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has declined to trust the most capable.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has declined to trust the most capable.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn a refusé de faire confiance aux plus compétents.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will see others more than before.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will see others more than before.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn va voir les autres plus souvent qu’auparavant.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne corrects one's most persistent defects by allowing others to face them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne corrects one's most persistent defects by allowing others to face them.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn corrige ses défauts les plus tenaces en permettant aux autres de les affronter.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn reçoit plusieurs fois la même demande.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne must fight to have their rights recognised.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne must fight to have their rights recognized.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn doit lutter pour faire reconnaître son droit.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes time to understand what there is to be done?
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes time to understand what there is to be done?
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se donne du temps pour comprendre ce qu'on aura à faire.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will have a lot of time ahead to put an end to their anger.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne will have a lot of time ahead to put an end to their anger.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn aura beaucoup de temps devant soi pour mettre un terme à sa colère.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne kindly asks their guests to sit down at the table.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne kindly asks their guests to sit down at the table.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn prie ses hôtes de bien vouloir passer à table.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hears a muffled clamour that can frighten the most sensitive.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne hears a muffled clamor that can frighten the most sensitive.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn entend une clameur sourde qui peut effrayer les plus sensibles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne progresses backwards so as not to prevent others from seeing what is ahead.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne progresses backwards so as not to prevent others from seeing what is ahead.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn progresse à reculons pour ne pas empêcher les autres de voir ce qui est devant.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne collects donations to help people in need.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne collects donations to help people in need.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait la collecte de dons pour aider les personnes dans le besoin.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne understands others when they say that they only trust what they see.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne understands others when they say that they only trust what they see.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn comprend les autres quand ils disent qu'ils ne font confiance qu'à ce qu'ils voient.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne prefers to see the bad days coming rather than to suffer them unexpectedly.
One prefers to see the bad days coming rather than to suffer them unexpectedly.
On préfère voir venir les mauvais jours plutôt que de les subir de manière inattendue.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne circumvents the problem easily by leaving it in the hands of those who have raised it.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne circumvents the problem easily by leaving it in the hands of those who have raised it.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn contourne le problème avec aisance en laissant aux mains de ceux qui l'ont soulevé.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is satisfied with oneself, so one doesn't ask others for anything.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is satisfied with oneself, so one doesn't ask others for anything.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se suffit à soi-même alors on ne demande rien aux autres.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne makes a clean place to welcome one's guests.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne makes a clean place to welcome one's guests.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait place nette pour accueillir ses invités.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne cross-references the information available to obtain a particularly detailed view.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne cross-references the information available to obtain a particularly detailed view.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn recoupe les informations dont on dispose pour obtenir une vision particulièrement fine.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne qualifies one's statement with less harsh words.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne qualifies one's statement with less harsh words.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn nuance sa déclaration par des propos moins sévères.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne regulates demands by setting a cap.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne regulates demands by setting a cap.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn régule les demandes en fixant un plafond.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne postpones the meeting to focus on urgent work.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne postpones the meeting to focus on urgent work.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn reporte la rencontre pour se consacrer à des travaux urgents.
Bing DeepL Google YandexAfter coming back from a long journey, one tries to find one's old friends.
Bing DeepL Google YandexAfter coming back from a long journey, one tries to find one's old friends.
Bing DeepL Google YandexAprès être revenu d'un long voyage on tente de retrouver ses vieux amis.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does more than others to avoid failure.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does more than others to avoid failure.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn en fait plus que les autres pour éviter la panne.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne scares others to stop any desire to make noise.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne scares others to stop any desire to make noise.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn effraie les autres pour leur ôter toute envie de faire du bruit.
Bing DeepL Google Yandex