An hexagram is a combination of six yin and yang lines.
The sixth line, divided, shows (one who may be compared to) the ram butting against the fence, and unable either to retreat, or to advance as he would fain do. There will not be advantage in any respect ; but if he realise the difficulty (of his position), there will be good fortune.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not have the strength to continue so one stops.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not have the strength to continue so one stops.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLe bélier butteur qui, voulant frapper une clôture, ne sait plus ni avancer ni reculer, sans moyen de s’en tirer, trouvera dans cette difficulté même un moyen de salut. Ne pouvant plus frapper, il ne prendra plus ses cornes dans un obstacle ; il a péché par manque de précaution, cela lui servira de leçon.
Le bon côté de l’accident est qu’il ne prolongera pas sa faute.
(I. e. l’expérience rend prudent.)
On n'a pas la force de continuer alors on s'arrête.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe trigrams are combinations of three yin and yang lines. The three bottom lines of the hexagram form the lower trigram and represent the inner situation. The three top lines form the upper trigram and represent the outer situation.
The nuclear hexagram is the association of the two inner trigrams (lines 2,3,4 and 3,4,5). It represents the root, or the origin of the situation.
Kwâi requires (in him who would fulfil its meaning) the exhibition (of the culprit's guilt) in the royal court, and a sincere and earnest appeal (for sympathy and support), with a consciousness of the peril (involved in cutting off the criminal). He should (also) make announcement in his own city, and show that it will not be well to have recourse at once to arms. (In this way) there will be advantage in whatever he shall go forward to.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe case must be clearly stated, shouting is dangerous. Explain the situation to your entourage. Avoid any brutality, do not turn away.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe case must be clearly stated, shouting is dangerous. Explain the situation to your entourage. Avoid any brutality, do not turn away.
Bing DeepL Google YandexTexte
Allant à la cour du prince, on doit y faire appel avec sincérité. En cas de différend, on doit avertir ses concitoyens qu’il n’y a pas avantage à recourir aux moyens violents, aux armes, mais qu’il faut faire décider par le pouvoir judiciaire.
La ligne faible (coupée) au haut de cinq fortes représente l’appel (du petit) à la cour du prince. — Le ciel sur l’eau stagnante représente la décision ferme. Si le sage, en donnant des émoluments à ses inférieurs, veut rester fidèle à la vertu, il devra être très prudent.
Kwài est « décider, régler ». Le fort le fait pour le faible. Il faut en cela, fermeté et douceur, résolution et concorde. « Appel sincère » dans une difficulté grave. Le recours aux armes fait périr ce qu’on tient le plus à avoir. Le fort emporte le bon et c’est tout.
L'affaire doit être exposée clairement, crier entraîne le danger. Expliquer la situation à son entourage. Eviter toute brutalité, ne pas se détourner.
Bing DeepL Google YandexAz aggodalmakat egyértelműen kell ismertetni, a hangos nézeteltérés veszélyt okoz. Ki kell fejteni a helyzetet a kisérőinek. Kerülni kell az erőszakot és nem szabad eltérülni.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe same line number on the mutated hexagram. It reperesents what can be done AFTER to correct the situation described by this line, as a sort of remedy or solution.
The topmost line, undivided, shows its subject with help accorded to him from Heaven. There will be good fortune, advantage in every respect.
Bing DeepL Google YandexWhen one is patient, others end up accepting.
Bing DeepL Google YandexWhen one is patient, others end up accepting.
Bing DeepL Google YandexIl reçoit le secours du ciel. Tout tourne à son avantage.
Bing DeepL Google YandexQuand on est patient les autres finissent par accepter.
Bing DeepL Google YandexHa valaki bajban van a többiek jönnek segíteni.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe derived of the reciprocal. It represents what could have been done BEFORE to prevent the situation described by this line, as a sort of remedy or solution.
The first line, undivided, (shows the representative of) the union of men just issuing from his gate. There will be no error.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne can return to others when they have gone astray.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne can return to others when they have gone astray.
Bing DeepL Google YandexUnis, à la maison, les hommes ne commettent pas de faute.
S’ils en sortent même (restant tels), ils n’encourront pas de blâme. (Effets de l’union domestique.)
On peut revenir vers les autres quand ils se sont égarés.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe hexagram upside down. It represents the opposite situation, and as such is insturmental when validating comments.
The first line, divided, shows a retiring tail. The position is perilous No movement in any direction should be made.
Bing DeepL Google YandexRetirer sa queue uniquement (se tenir en arrière) en présence du danger sert peu quoi qu’on fasse, il faut se retirer en un lieu obscur et tranquille.
Si l’on ne fait rien, il n’y aura pas de danger.
Note. « Retirer sa queue » est une expression analogue à celle que nous employons en faisant allusion à l’autruche : « Mettre sa tête sous son aile. »
Les autres nous demandent d'attendre.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe sixth line, divided, shows (one who may be compared to) the ram butting against the fence, and unable either to retreat, or to advance as he would fain do. There will not be advantage in any respect ; but if he realise the difficulty (of his position), there will be good fortune.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not have the strength to continue so one stops.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not have the strength to continue so one stops.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLe bélier butteur qui, voulant frapper une clôture, ne sait plus ni avancer ni reculer, sans moyen de s’en tirer, trouvera dans cette difficulté même un moyen de salut. Ne pouvant plus frapper, il ne prendra plus ses cornes dans un obstacle ; il a péché par manque de précaution, cela lui servira de leçon.
Le bon côté de l’accident est qu’il ne prolongera pas sa faute.
(I. e. l’expérience rend prudent.)
On n'a pas la force de continuer alors on s'arrête.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has scruples despite the absence of mistakes.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has scruples despite the absence of mistakes.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn a des scrupules malgré l'absence de fautes.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne finds oneself at ease after being put in an embarrassing position.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne finds oneself at ease after being put in an embarrassing position.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn retrouve ses aises après avoir été mis dans une position embarrassante.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne fervently cultivates the memory of those who have given their lives to others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne fervently cultivates the memory of those who have given their lives to others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn cultive avec ferveur la mémoire de ceux qui ont fait don de leur vie aux autres.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes off after the others have disappeared.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes off after the others have disappeared.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn prend son envol après que les autres aient disparu.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne completes one's offer with old songs.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne completes one's offer with old songs.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn complète son offre avec de vieilles rengaines.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne pretends not to know the real reason for one's failures.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne pretends not to know the real reason for one's failures.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn prétend ne pas connaître la vraie raison de ses échecs.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne borrows ideas from others to make them one's own.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne borrows ideas from others to make them one's own.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn emprunte des idées aux autres pour les faire siennes.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne closes the session with a resounding speech.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne closes the session with a resounding speech.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn clôture la session avec un discours retentissant.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne learns to do extra work so that one is not recognised as an actor.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne learns to do extra work so that one is not recognized as an actor.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn apprend à faire de la figuration pour ne pas être reconnu comme étant un acteur.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne merges with those who are best able to complete what one brings.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne merges with those who are best able to complete what one brings.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fusionne avec ceux qui sont les plus à même de compléter ce qu'on apporte.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is managing to move one's project forward against all odds.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is managing to move one's project forward against all odds.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn réussit à faire avancer son projet contre vents et marées.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne thinks one is making a great deal but one didn't take into account the extra costs.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne thinks one is making a great deal but one didn't take into account the extra costs.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn croit faire une belle affaire mais on n'a pas pris en compte les frais supplémentaires.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne claims having only sympathy for those one hates.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne claims having only sympathy for those one hates.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn prétend n'avoir que de la sympathie pour ceux que l'on déteste.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne must prove oneself before one can hold the helm.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne must prove oneself before one can hold the helm.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn est tenu de faire ses preuves avant de pouvoir tenir le gouvernail.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne strings pearls to make a necklace designed to seduce others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne strings pearls to make a necklace designed to seduce others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn enfile des perles pour faire un collier destiné à séduire les autres.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is doing their best to make things advance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is doing their best to make things advance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait de son mieux pour faire avancer les choses.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has to have patience to endure an endless wait.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has to have patience to endure an endless wait.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn s'arme de patience pour endurer une attente interminable.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne thinks before going to tell others in which direction one wants to go.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne thinks before going to tell others in which direction one wants to go.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn réfléchit avant d'aller dire aux autres dans quelle direction on veut aller.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne steps back so that others can understand what it is all about.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne steps back so that others can understand what it is all about.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn recule pour que les autres puissent comprendre de quoi il s'agit.
Bing DeepL Google Yandex
One notices that the only trump cards one has in one's hands are disappearing.
One notices that the only trump cards one has in one's hands are disappearing.
On remarque que les seuls atouts que l'on a en main sont en voie de disparition.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not allow thieves to run for high office.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not allow thieves to run for high office.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn ne permet pas aux voleurs de prétendre à de hautes fonctions.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne feels sorry for oneself when others do not want to listen to reason.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne feels sorry for oneself when others do not want to listen to reason.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn s'apitoie sur son propre sort quand les autres ne veulent pas entendre raison.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne must prevent others from exploiting the weakness of one's associates.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne must prevent others from exploiting the weakness of one's associates.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn doit empêcher les autres d'exploiter la faiblesse de ses associés.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne feels more sensations when one stops deviating from the subject.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne feels more sensations when one stops deviating from the subject.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn perçoit davantage de sensations quand on arrête de s'écarter du sujet.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne succeeds in obtaining concessions to put an end to a period of unrest.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne succeeds in obtaining concessions to put an end to a period of unrest.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn réussit à obtenir des concessions pour mettre fin à une période de troubles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne deprives one's opponents of a major asset.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne deprives one's opponents of a major asset.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn prive ses adversaires d'un atout majeur.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne makes life easier for one's neighbours by not waking them up when they are resting
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne makes life easier for one's neighbors by not waking them up when they are resting
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn facilite la vie de ses voisins pas en n'allant pas les réveiller quand ils se reposent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne resolves to make other concessions so as not to lose a very important market.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne resolves to make other concessions so as not to lose a very important market.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se résout à faire d'autres concessions pour ne pas perdre un marché très important.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne strictly follows the instructions given by one's superiors.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne strictly follows the instructions given by one's superiors.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn respecte à la lettre les instructions données par ses supérieurs.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne tackles others so one can stay in the race.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne tackles others so one can stay in the race.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn tacle les autres pour pouvoir rester dans la course.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne recapitulates for those who do not know the rules.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne recapitulates for those who do not know the rules.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn récapitule pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas les règles.
Bing DeepL Google Yandex