The situation: 35.4 (35 > 23)

The message that you have received

35.4 (35 > 23)
35.4 (35 > 23) - THE 3IN HEXAGRAM.

The fourth line, undivided, shows its subject with the appearance of advancing, but like a marmot. However firm and correct he may be, the position is one of peril.

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35.4 (35 > 23) - Becoming a goner if the others were to learn

One conceals oneself to escape from difficulties.

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35.4 (35 > 23) - Becoming a goner if the others were to learn

One conceals oneself to escape from difficulties.

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35.4 (35 > 23) - Ts’in, le progrès

Ts’in : avancer, croître, grandir.

Avancer comme un rat (plein de cupidité et de crainte) est chose dont on doit se garder.

C’est quand on cherche une position qui ne convient pas.

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35.4 (35 > 23) - Felfedezés

Titkolózik hogy elkerülje a nehézségeket.

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The trigrams

The trigrams are combinations of three yin and yang lines. The three bottom lines of the hexagram form the lower trigram and represent the inner situation. The three top lines form the upper trigram and represent the outer situation.

Upper trigram: The fire The mountain

The fireThe mountain

Lower trigram: The earth

The earth


In 3in we see a prince who secures the tranquillity (of the people) presented on that account with numerous horses (by the king), and three times in a day received at interviews.

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35 - Discovery

Answers come naturally.

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35 - Discovery

Answers come naturally.

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35 - Ts’in, le progrès

Ts’in : avancer, croître, grandir.


T’sin, croissance de la nature, joie et vigueur comme celle d’un prince se servant de chevaux donnés, maître d’une population toujours croissante et recevant chaque jour de nombreux dons. (Trois fois par jour donnant audience et recevant des dons.) — (Prospérité croissante.)


C’est le soleil s’élevant au-dessus de la terre (le matin). Ainsi le sage fait briller ses vertus d’un grand éclat.


Ts’in est avancer, progresser. C’est la lumière s’élevant au-dessus de la terre ; la soumission à la grandeur éclatante ; le faible, bon, avançant, s’élevant. C’est ainsi que le prince prospérant reçoit des dons de chevaux, etc.

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35 - La découverte

Les réponses viennent naturellement.

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35 - Felfedezés

A válaszok természetesen jönnek.

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35.4 (35 > 23)
35.4 (35 > 23) - THE 3IN HEXAGRAM.

The fourth line, undivided, shows its subject with the appearance of advancing, but like a marmot. However firm and correct he may be, the position is one of peril.

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35.4 (35 > 23) - Becoming a goner if the others were to learn

One conceals oneself to escape from difficulties.

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35.4 (35 > 23) - Becoming a goner if the others were to learn

One conceals oneself to escape from difficulties.

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35.4 (35 > 23) - Ts’in, le progrès

Ts’in : avancer, croître, grandir.

Avancer comme un rat (plein de cupidité et de crainte) est chose dont on doit se garder.

C’est quand on cherche une position qui ne convient pas.

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35.4 (35 > 23) - Felfedezés

Titkolózik hogy elkerülje a nehézségeket.

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Po indicates that (in the state which it symbolizes) it will not be advantageous to make a movement in any direction whatever.

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23 - Erosion

A decline that can be contained by drawing on one's reserves.

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23 - Erosion

A decline that can be contained by drawing on one's reserves.

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23 - Poh, l’écroulement

Poh : opprimer, renverser, traiter durement.


Traiter durement ne réussit en rien.


Montagne (pesant) sur la terre figure l’oppression. C’est aussi le grand affermissant le petit pour donner sécurité à son propre domaine. (Quand les sujets sont en sécurité, ils travaillent, restent en paix et font prospérer le domaine.)


Poh, renverser, abattre. Le petit (parfois) renverse le fort ; l’homme vulgaire grandit. On cède devant lui, mais on cherche à l’arrêter.

Considérant la forme du koua, le sage fait une attention particulière aux successions d’accroissement et de décroissance des êtres, de plénitude et de dépouillement (vide), — semblables aux mouvements du ciel (tels que l’hiver succédant à l’été, la nuit au jour, etc.).

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23 - L'érosion

Déclin que l'on peut contenir en puisant dans ses réserves.

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23 - Lepusztulás

Hanyatlás, amit a tartalékok beosztásával lehet hátráltatni.

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The nuclear hexagram: 39.3.5 (39 > 2)

The nuclear hexagram is the association of the two inner trigrams (lines 2,3,4 and 3,4,5). It represents the root, or the origin of the situation.

39.3.5 (39 > 2)
39.3.5 (39 > 2) - THE KIEN HEXAGRAM.

  • 3. The third line, undivided, shows its subject advancing, (but only) to (greater) difficulties. He remains stationary, and returns (to his former associates).
  • 5. The fifth line, undivided, shows its subject struggling with the greatest difficulties, while friends are coming to help him.

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39.3.5 (39 > 2) - Taking a step back in order to move forward

One organises oneself to work around the blockages.

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39.3.5 (39 > 2) - Taking a step back in order to move forward

One organizes oneself to work around the blockages.

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39.3.5 (39 > 2) - Kién, l’obstacle

Kién : Difficulté, danger, noble hardiesse.

  • 3. L’un va aux difficultés et revient après au repos. Ou : qui va aux difficultés (courageusement) revient aux profits (en obtient).
  • 5. C’est dans les difficultés que les amis se montrent.

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39.3.5 (39 > 2) - Reculer pour mieux sauter

On s’organise pour contourner les blocages.

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39.3.5 (39 > 2) - Bizonytalanság

  • 3. Azt akarják hogy visszajöjjön.
  • 5. Problémák amiket nem oldhat meg egyedül, látogatókat kap amikor szükség van rájuk.

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The reciprocal: 36.3

The hexagram upside down. It represents the opposite situation, and as such is insturmental when validating comments.

36.3 (36 > 24)
36.3 (36 > 24) - THE MING Î HEXAGRAM.

The third line, undivided, shows its subject, (in the condition indicated by) Ming Î, hunting in the south, and taking the great chief (of the darkness). He should not be eager to make (all) correct (at once).

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36.3 (36 > 24) - Putting one's finger on it

One had retreated but while looking for supplies one finds the issue.

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36.3 (36 > 24) - Putting one's finger on it

One had retreated but while looking for supplies one finds the issue.

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36.3 (36 > 24) - Mettre le doigt dessus

On avait reculé mais en allant chercher de quoi s'alimenter on découvre le problème.

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36.3 (36 > 24) - Balsors

Visszavonul de miközben élelem után kutat, rátalál a hibára.

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