Un hexagramme est une combinaison de six traits yin et yang.
The second line, undivided, shows that it will be advantageous for its subject to maintain a firm correctness, and that action on his part will be evil. He can give increase (to his correlate) without taking from himself.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe difficulty would be too great if one accepted.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe difficulty would be too great if one accepted.
Bing DeepL Google YandexL’utilité générale, la prospérité requiert que l’on châtie le mal sans le diminuer ou l’augmenter (en appréciation) et en observant la stricte vérité et la justice.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLa difficulté serait trop grande si l'on acceptait.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLes trigrammes sont des combinaisons de trois traits yin et yang. Dans l'hexagramme, les trois traits du dessous constituent le trigramme inférieur et représentent la situation intérieure. Les trois lignes du haut constituent le trigramme supérieur et représentent la situation extérieure.
L'hexagramme nucléaire est l'association des deux trigrammes intérieurs (traits 2,3,4 et 3,4,5). Il représente la racine, ou l'origine de la situation.
The first line, undivided, shows its subject returning (from an error) of no great extent, which would not proceed to anything requiring repentance. There will be great good fortune.
Bing DeepL Google YandexCelui qui s’amende promptement, qui se repent sans résistance sera spécialement heureux. (Ou : le prompt amendement, le repentir sans résistance est suprêmement heureux.)
S’il s’amende et se réforme.
Le même trait sur l'hexagramme après la mutation. Il représente ce qui peut être fait APRÈS pour corriger la situation décrite par ce trait, un peu comme un remède ou une solution.
The second line, divided, shows one looking downwards for nourishment, which is contrary to what is proper ; or seeking it from the height (above), advance towards which will lead to evil.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not seek in the distance what can be obtained from one's entourage.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne does not seek in the distance what can be obtained from one's entourage.
Bing DeepL Google YandexBaisser le menton, c’est renverser les lois morales. Le lever vers les hauteurs, c’est aller au mal, au malheur. (Ces deux expressions désignent ceux qui font les parasites près des petits et près des grands — ou plutôt : ceux qui s’avilissent ou visent trop haut.)
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn ne va pas chercher au loin ce que l'on peut obtenir auprès de son entourage.
Bing DeepL Google YandexNem keresi távol azt, amit megtalál a környezetében is.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLe dérivé du réciproque. Il représente ce qui aurait pu être fait AVANT pour prévenir la situation décrite par ce trait, un peu comme un remède ou une solution.
The fifth line, divided, shows one acting contrary to what is regular and proper ; but if he abide in firmness, there will be good fortune. He should not, (however, try to) cross the great stream.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne moves aside to shelter one's friends.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne moves aside to shelter one's friends.
Bing DeepL Google YandexSi l’on viole les règles, quand même on serait en voie de prospérité, on ne réussira pas définitivement dans les grandes difficultés.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn s'écarte pour mettre ses amis à l'abri.
Bing DeepL Google YandexL'hexagramme renversé. Il représente la situation opposée, et en tant que tel est essentiel pour la validation des commentaires.
The fifth line, undivided, shows its subject with sincere heart seeking to benefit (all below). There need be no question about it ; the result will be great good fortune. (All below) will with sincere heart acknowledge his goodness.
Bing DeepL Google YandexWhen one is competent, one doesn't show hesitation.
Bing DeepL Google YandexWhen one is competent, one doesn't show hesitation.
Bing DeepL Google YandexCelui qui a le cœur droit, cherchant le bien des autres, aura sûrement un grand succès ; on sera plein d’affection pour sa bonté.
Il arrivera à ses fins.
Quand on est compétent, on ne montre pas d'hésitations.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe second line, undivided, shows that it will be advantageous for its subject to maintain a firm correctness, and that action on his part will be evil. He can give increase (to his correlate) without taking from himself.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe difficulty would be too great if one accepted.
Bing DeepL Google YandexThe difficulty would be too great if one accepted.
Bing DeepL Google YandexL’utilité générale, la prospérité requiert que l’on châtie le mal sans le diminuer ou l’augmenter (en appréciation) et en observant la stricte vérité et la justice.
Bing DeepL Google YandexLa difficulté serait trop grande si l'on acceptait.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne calls those who prevail to exercise more discretion.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne calls those who prevail to exercise more discretion.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn appelle ceux qui s'imposent à faire preuve de plus de discrétion.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne talks constantly for reassurance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne talks constantly for reassurance.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn parle sans arrêt pour se rassurer.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne stops telling others what to do because they are getting tired of it.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne stops telling others what to do because they are getting tired of it.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn arrête de dire aux autres ce qu'ils doivent faire car ils commencent à s'en lasser.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne remembers those who have harmed those one loves.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne remembers those who have harmed those one loves.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se souvient de ceux qui ont fait du tort à ceux qu'on aime.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne finds something to complain about when the situation does not comply with one's wishes.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne finds something to complain about when the situation does not comply with one's wishes.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn trouve quelque chose à redire quand la situation n'est pas conforme à ses souhaits.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes away from others all their attractions.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes away from others all their attractions.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn enlève aux autres tous leurs attraits.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is succeeding incapable people who have ransacked magnificent works.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is succeeding incapable people who have ransacked magnificent works.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn succède à des incapables qui ont saccagé des œuvres magnifiques.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne protects one's relatives from the noxious effects that one may have triggered.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne protects one's relatives from the noxious effects that one may have triggered.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn protège ses proches des effets nocifs que l'on pourrait avoir déclenché.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is facing a crisis caused by a breach of the common rule.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is facing a crisis caused by a breach of the common rule.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn affronte une crise causée par un manquement à la règle commune.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne indulges in their desires so as to be more comfortable.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne indulges in their desires so as to be more comfortable.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn assouvit ses désirs pour avoir plus de confort.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne supports one's companions to help them overcome the most difficult obstacles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne supports one's companions to help them overcome the most difficult obstacles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn épaule ses compagnons pour les aider à franchir les obstacles les plus difficiles.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is opposed to the establishment of a tradition that others contest.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is opposed to the establishment of a tradition that others contest.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn s'oppose à l'instauration d'une tradition que les autres contestent.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne calms the anger of others by giving in to them at all levels.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne calms the anger of others by giving in to them at all levels.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn calme la colère des autres en leur cédant sur tous les plans.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne plans to end one's commitment as soon as the others leave.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne plans to end one's commitment as soon as the others leave.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn a prévu de mettre fin à son engagement dès que les autres seront partis.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has shown others that one wants to forget about their shortcomings.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne has shown others that one wants to forget about their shortcomings.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn a montré aux autres que l'on avait envie de passer l'éponge sur leurs manquements.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne returns because of a damage that needs repair.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne returns because of a damage that needs repair.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn revient à cause d'une avarie qui nécessite des réparations.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne thinks that one can continue without checks.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne thinks that one can continue without checks.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn pense que l’on pourra continuer sans vérifications.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne receives blows because the others got carried away.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne receives blows because the others got carried away.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn reçoit des coups car les autres se sont emportés.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne completes one's offer with a large discount.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne completes one's offer with a large discount.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn complète son offre avec une large remise.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne goes after one's friends to make some deeply felt remarks.
One goes after one's friends to make some deeply felt remarks.
On passe après ses amis pour faire quelques remarques bien senties.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn fait attention à ne pas étourdir les autres.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne moons at those who have been beaten up.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne moons at those who have been beaten up.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn montre son derrière à ceux qui ont pris une râclée.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is killing another to win the right to live another day.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is killing another to win the right to live another day.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn s'étripe pour gagner le droit de vivre un jour de plus.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes upon oneself to do what others have declined to perform.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes upon oneself to do what others have declined to perform.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn prend sur soi de faire ce que les autres ont refusé d'accomplir.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne would like to stop there but the others are reluctant to recognise their defeat.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne would like to stop there but the others are reluctant to recognize their defeat.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn voudrait s'arrêter là mais les autres sont peu enclins à reconnaître leur défaite.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is desperately trying to make advances to the least attractive.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne is desperately trying to make advances to the least attractive.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn tente désespérément de faire des avances aux moins plaisants.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes control of the fate of others so that they no longer have to worry.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne takes control of the fate of others so that they no longer have to worry.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn prend en main le destin des autres pour qu'ils n'aient plus d'inquiétudes à avoir.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne loses one's place despite all the efforts to keep it.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne loses one's place despite all the efforts to keep it.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn perd sa place malgré tous ses efforts pour la conserver.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne feels hatred towards those who succeed better than others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne feels hatred towards those who succeed better than others.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn ressent de la haine envers ceux qui réussissent mieux que les autres.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne calms down when learning that others will not come.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne calms down when learning that others will not come.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn se tranquillise en apprenant que les autres ne viendront pas.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne ends up doing more for others than for oneself.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOne ends up doing more for others than for oneself.
Bing DeepL Google YandexOn en revient à faire davantage pour les autres que pour son propre compte.
Bing DeepL Google Yandex