Understanding the oracle's answer

Published: Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Updated: Tuesday, 28 July 2015

To understand the oracle's answer, it is necessary to be modest, to not have preconceived ideas, and to recall what we know about the I Ching. Like a musician uses scales and notes, the oracle will speak through hexagrams and lines, sometimes in a way that we could not imagine, but will take our knowledge into account.

Then, when we want to learn, we let the oracle guide us. We can ask the oracle about various subjects, such as the movie you are watching or the news. It allows you to study the oracle's answers with detachment and that will be useful when you will approach your personal problems.

You have to make efforts to understand. The answers often require further thought, sometimes meditation and in some cases personal research. It still have times when I understand a line at the very moment when I ask the oracle about it, this is the reason why a reflexion time is always useful.

A correct text is also necessary. If you don't understand some answers, it can be perhaps because of the text. In this case we give up if we don't find a better text. The text proposed here is unfortunately not finished, but continues to evolve, and the improvements mentioned on Tweeter (@Taoscopy) and on the forum.

You can also ask more details to the oracle by asking questions such as Why is this line in the answer? It is something that I do very often myself.


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