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Hex 30.4 to Hex 22 Stock evaluation - SJR.B

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  • Hex 30.4 to Hex 22 Stock evaluation - SJR.B

    The earnings of stock SJR.B will be announced on Oct 25 before market opens.

    I evaluated this stock via an iching reading on the morning of Oct 23 (Wednesday) 2019 after reviewing one of the broker’s recommendation for buy with one year target of $31 yesterday. The price was $26.10 when market opens on Oct 23 2019 and pay a monthly dividend (annual dividend = 4.5%).

    A reading using penny tossing was conducted:
    Oct 23, 10;20 a.m. 2019
    Year: hai water (void: chen earth, si fire)
    Month: xu earth (void: shen metal, you metal)
    Day: si fire (void: wu fire, wei earth)
    Hour: si fire (void: zi water, chou earth)
    干支:己亥年 甲戌月 癸巳日 丁巳时
    旬空:辰巳  申酉  午未  子丑

    Hex 30.4 (six strike) to Hex 22 (six couple)
    \ 30.6 Brother si fire (host); \ 22.6 parents yin wood
    \\ 30.5 child wei earth; \\ 22.5 office zi fire
    \ 30.4 wealth you metal; change to \\ 22.4 child xu earth (guest)
    \ 30.3 officer hai water (guest); \ 22.3 officer hai water
    \\ 30.2 child chou earth; \ 22.2 child chou earth
    \ 30.1 parents moa wood; \ 22.1 parents mao wood (host)

    六神  伏神    离宫:离为火(六冲)     艮宫:山火贲(六合)
             【本 卦】           【变 卦】
    白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟己巳火 世   ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母丙寅木  
    滕蛇       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己未土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼丙子水  
    勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财己酉金  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙丙戌土 应
    朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼己亥水 应   ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼己亥水  
    青龙       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己丑土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己丑土  
    玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母己卯木     ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母己卯木 世

    22.1 parents mao wood home line means news release.
    22.4 child xu earth guest line means buyer and it is under the month xu earth (time of the reading).

    Meaning of Host and Guest line
    Host line represents stock and capital (intrinsic factor)
    Guest line represents investor and business trend of the company (extrinsic factor)

    30.6 brother si fire is in the host line (day of reading = si fire). Brother is the day commander and this means sellers are the market makers. Lots of selling means stock price drop.

    30.3 officer (guest line) hai water. If officer hai water line is set into motion, then investors will be careful and feel uneasy in holding the stock. Since hai water is day conflict with the day of the reading si fire, officer is set into motion, investors and business trend dictate the market makers are sellers. Stock price will drop. Market opens at $26.12, by 1:54 p.m., it is 25.21 ($3.48% drop in price).

    22.4 child xu earth guest line means buyer and it is under the month xu earth (time of the reading). Since the timing is not month and the day, one has to wait until the day of xu earth (Oct 28) to see the effect of the buyer.

    22.1 parents mao wood home line means news release. The analysis of this part is more complicated.
    Hai water is 22.3 officer (company) + 22.1 Mao wood is parents (news, earnings) + wei earth (Oct 25, day of earnings announcement = effect of wood (wood is news). On October 25, the public will know whether there is enough profit from the last quarter.

    By theory of change line, 30.4 wealth you metal becomes 22.4 child xu earth may mean a rise in stock value or money falls back into the hands of the investor (no prediction of stock value). Since on the month of the reading, you metal is month void. There is no wealth (you metal) for the month or next month. On this assumption, there is no money no funny in a stock value increase.

    Xiaoshing iching method.

    Since the signals are not cleared and investment capital is involved, the original reading 30.4 to 22 is computed further using xiaoshing iching method.

    House of 4 sun wood has the hexagram 28. Hex 28 has tui metal as upper trigram and sun wood as lower trigram. Both Tui metal and Sun wood have their chi pointing downwards. This means a big drop in stock value.

    六神  伏神    震宫:泽风大过(游魂)
             【本 卦】
    玄武       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财丁未土  
    白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼丁酉金  
    滕蛇 子孙庚午火 ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母丁亥水 世Day conflict Oct 23
    勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼辛酉金  
    朱雀 兄弟庚寅木 ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母辛亥水  
    青龙       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财辛丑土 应 Day conflict Oct 25

    Hexagram 28

    28.6 \\ wealth wei earth (day si fire void wei earth Oct 23, day commander wei earth Oct 25)
    28.5 \ officer you metal (month void)
    28.4 \ parents hai metal (host line): day conflict with si fire (Oct 23 2019)
    28.3 \ officer you metal (month void)
    28.2 \ parents hai water; day conflict with si fire (Oct 23 2019)
    28.1 \\ wealth chou earth (guest) (Day conflict with wei earth on Oct 25 2019)

    Parents = news; analyst rating on stock
    Host line = stock value

    Since 28.4 is parents (news) hai water which is day conflict with si fire day (Oct 23 2019). The sets off motion in stock selling in this case (trading volume > 1 million).
    28.5 and 28.3 are officer you metal which is month void at present. There is no good news from the company or analysts in the next few days.
    28.1 and 28.6 are both wealth line. They form the boundary of the situation (profit or loss).
    28.1 is chou earth which is day conflict with Oct 25 2019 (earnings report date wei earth).
    28.6 is wei earth which is same as Oct 25 2019 (earnings report date wei earth). It is called day commander.
    The two wealth lines represent the relationship between investor, company and stock price for those days. As said, the stock may rebound on Oct 25 2019 after the 4% crash on Oct 23 2015 because it is now cheaper to buy the shares.

    For Xiaoshing iching computation,

    House of 5 is Hex 33 retreat. This is the longer term outcome.
    Unlike Hex 28, Hex 33 is composed of upper trigram chien metal and lower trigram ken earth.
    Both Chi are moving upwards and this means the price of the stock should rise back after a period of falling prices.

    六神  伏神    乾宫:天山遯 
             【本 卦】
    白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母壬戌土  
    滕蛇       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟壬申金 应
    勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼壬午火  
    朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟丙申金  
    青龙 妻财甲寅木 ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼丙午火 世
    玄武 子孙甲子水 ▅▅ ▅▅ 父母丙辰土  

    Hex 33 Retreat

    33.6/ parents xu earth
    33.5/ brother shen metal (guest line)
    33.4/ officer wu fire
    33.3/ brother shen metal
    33.2// officer wu fire (host line); hidden line: wealth yin wood
    33.1// parents chen earth; hidden line: child zi water

    In Hex 33, the wealth line is hidden (no profit). The child line is hidden (no major investor with funds)
    33.5 Brother shen metal (seller) as guest line and it is month void for shen metal. No one will bother to short the stocks further.
    33.2 officer host line wu fire represents policy and it is day void. There is no future plan announced at present.
    33.6 xu earth news (parents) and 33.1 chen earth (parents); the news form the boundary of the future for this stock.

    In conclusion, based on stock market data and information, a simple iching reading is used to cross-check whether the stock is worth buying in the morning trading hours (si fire hour). The guidance from the reading suggested the stock price will fall, so is the factual data from the real time market.

    This avoid the investor from posting a trade to buy resulting a saving of $100 per $2600 investment of 100 shares.

    In ancient days, there is no stock market. The current day iching partitioner must combine techniques known in different areas to explore this new frontier. In this case, the savings is $400 per $400 shares of this particular stock investment if we do not post a buy on the stock.

    Iching Text Analysis

    If one is familiar with line text analysis, hex 30.4 means stock market is unstable, do not rush to invest. It means that this is a disaster situation, there will be serious financial losses. The nuclear hexagram of Hex 30 is hex 28 preponderance of the great. It means price high and will drop big in a few days.

    These teachings have come true in the analysis of SJR.B stock prices today. The stock drops 4.12% in value in one trading day.

    Supporting information from Long Yi (Long Yi Geometrics Group)

    Time domain calculations: one can use this site to convert western calendar into Bazi format for the analysis of hexagram
    Concerning the computation of Void elements (Hong Wang)

    Computation of Kōng wáng (day void, month void, year void, hour void) in Iching Mathematics

    天干Heavenly Stems (numbers)

    Jia wood (1); Yi wood (2); Bing fire (3), Ding fire (4);

    Mou earth (5); Ji earth (6); Geng fire (7); Xin metal (8);

    Ren water (9); Gui water (10).

    地支 Earthly Branches (numbers)

    Zi water (1), Chou earth (2), Yin wood (3), Mao wood (4), Chen earth (5), Si fire (6),

    Wu fire (7), Wei earth (8), Shen metal (9); You metal (10); Xu earth (11), Hai water (12).

    Method of computation for day void

    You must know the heavenly stem and earthly parameters of the day from the Chinese Astrology calendar.


    If earthly branch # > heavenly stem # , then earthly branch # - heavenly stem # + 1 = day void #

    Example: 丙戌日Bing fire (3) Xu earth (11) day:

    11 – 3 - 1 = 7, 7 is wu fire. Since day void is two parameters, 7 is wu fire, 7+1 = 8 is wei earth. Both Wu & Wei are day void for the Bing fire Xu earth day.

    Example: 辛丑日 Xin metal (12), chou earth (2) day:

    chou earth (2) < xin metal (8), then (2 + 12) – 8 – 1 = 5 (chen earth). Actual day void will be chen earth (5), si fire (6).

    Example: 甲子日 Jia wood (1), zi water (1) day:

    zi water (1) is not bigger then Jia wood (1), then (1+12) - 1 - 1 = 11 (xu earth). Actual day void will be xi earth (11), hai water (12).

  • #2
    Quick burn but won't last. Rise and fall seems to be appropriate interpretation indeed.


    • #3
      Today is Oct 25 2019, Wei earth day. Wei earth is no longer void under the day.
      Re-examine the reading earlier

      Hex 30.4 (six strike) to Hex 22 (six couple)
      \ 30.6 Brother si fire (host); \ 22.6 parents yin wood
      \\ 30.5 child wei earth; \\ 22.5 office zi fire
      \ 30.4 wealth you metal; change to \\ 22.4 child xu earth (guest)
      \ 30.3 officer hai water (guest); \ 22.3 officer hai water
      \\ 30.2 child chou earth; \ 22.2 child chou earth
      \ 30.1 parents moa wood; \ 22.1 parents mao wood (host)

      六神  伏神    离宫:离为火(六冲)     艮宫:山火贲(六合)
               【本 卦】           【变 卦】
      白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 兄弟己巳火 世   ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母丙寅木  
      滕蛇       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己未土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 官鬼丙子水  
      勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 妻财己酉金  ○→ ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙丙戌土 应
      朱雀       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼己亥水 应   ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼己亥水  
      青龙       ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己丑土     ▅▅ ▅▅ 子孙己丑土  
      玄武       ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母己卯木     ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母己卯木 世

      30.5 child line wei earth is now the day commander.

      Child wei earth = buyer of the stock.

      See original
      House of 4 sun wood has the hexagram 28. Hex 28 has tui metal as upper trigram and sun wood as lower trigram. Both Tui metal and Sun wood have their chi pointing downwards. This means a big drop in stock value.

      六神  伏神    震宫:泽风大过(游魂)
               【本 卦】
      玄武       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财丁未土  
      白虎       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼丁酉金  
      滕蛇 子孙庚午火 ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母丁亥水 世Day conflict Oct 23
      勾陈       ▅▅▅▅▅ 官鬼辛酉金  
      朱雀 兄弟庚寅木 ▅▅▅▅▅ 父母辛亥水  
      青龙       ▅▅ ▅▅ 妻财辛丑土 应 Day conflict Oct 25

      Hexagram 28

      28.6 \\ wealth wei earth (day si fire void wei earth Oct 23, day commander wei earth Oct 25)
      28.5 \ officer you metal (month void)
      28.4 \ parents hai metal (host line): day conflict with si fire (Oct 23 2019)
      28.3 \ officer you metal (month void)
      28.2 \ parents hai water; day conflict with si fire (Oct 23 2019)
      28.1 \\ wealth chou earth (guest) (Day conflict with wei earth on Oct 25 2019)

      28.6 wealth line is now wei earth the day commander.
      Stock moves up and reaches $26.00 by 4%.

      If the time domain calculation is correct, buy low and sell high will result in a 4% profit of $100 per $2500 investment over a period of 3 days. Capital gain is taxed lower than interest in Canada. The annual GIC interest is 1.6% in Canada in Investment Saving accounts.


      • #4
        If you look at the year results you see the quick surge up to 27.52 but that did not last, it is down to 26.41 as of today. What's interesting to know is that it did not go lower than before.

