Chapter 1:
The Yi Jing commented:
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence -> 28.4 > 48
The formation
28 - Abandonment
One goes on their own if necessary. Stick to the essential.

4 - One is supported by others but needs to recover.
In the making
48 - Organization
One distributes their action according to a plan.
My interpretation:
The hexagram 28 seems to refer to abandoning desires in order to stick to the essence, and the hexagram 48 also to the essence, because in the original Chinese comments this hexagram is called The Well. The line 4 is still a bit mysterious. We are going to ask follow-up questions to verify this interpretation and clarify this reading.
Abandonment of what? (28)
Abandonment of what? -> > 58
The formation
12 - Disorganization
Problems prevent the progress. The best solution would be to leave.

1 - If one makes a correction, they will make more.
2 - Ineptitude does not disturb profiteers, a talented person will want to address it.
6 - The reorganization has succeeded. Rejoicing.
Those three lines describe aggressive actions that would end the desorganization.
In the making
58 - Attraction
Wait before committing oneself. A simple proposal is enough. One wants to know what the other desires before responding.
The outcome 58 is related to desire.
Who/what goes on their own? (28)
Who/what goes on their own? -> 27
The formation
27 - Supply
One supplies as needed.
Supplies come on their own without the need to perform any aggressive action.

What is the essential? (28)
What is the essential? -> 10.1.5 > 64
The formation
10 - Persistence
One is committed with confidence, in the long term and with a simple goal, without looking for outside help.

1 - One is satisfied with what they can do.
5 - One moves away from the path.
Retreating from the path. We can ask a few more questions here.
In the making
64 - Instability
One must show patience and only act knowingly. They are cautious and inform their relatives.
What is the goal? (10)
What is the goal? -> 19.1 > 7
The formation
19 - To accompany
One calls the youngest so they return.

1 - One departs before others stop.
Stepping back.
In the making
7 - The will
To solve their problems, one will need discipline and continuity.
What path? (10.5)
What path? -> 29.2.4 > 45
The formation
29 - Depth
When problems are too difficult, one tries to work around them.

2 - When one encounters too great difficulties, they leave them to those who know how to handle them.
4 - When one has little means, they are content with simple things.
The path of simplicity and of accepting help from others.
In the making
45 - Group
The responsibility of a group requires foresight, perseverance and availability.
Patience about what? (64)
Patience about what? -> 58.5 > 54
The formation
58 - Attraction
Wait before committing oneself. A simple proposal is enough. One wants to know what the other desires before responding.

5 - Repel the dangerous incitations.
Repelling desires? It's better to ask.
In the making
54 - Assistance
Protect one's interests by making oneself useful.
What are the dangerous incitations? (58.5)
What are the dangerous incitations? -> 15.3 > 2
The formation
15 - Decency
One shall not provoke with initiatives.

3 - One remains modest despite their success so they can continue.
The most dangerous for them would be to allow modest seductive attempts.
In the making
2 - Obedience
Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.
Who or what is supported by others? (28.4)
Who or what is supported by others? -> 24.4 > 51
The formation
24 - To return
One returns to see the results of their action.

4 - One sees that others exaggerate, so they move away.
The abandonment of desires is supported by the view of others who exaggerate.
In the making
51 - Shock
Something is coming which enables the identification of a problem.
Who or what are the others? (28.4)
Who or what are the others? -> 6.6 > 47
The formation
6 - Claim
One is prevented from continuing, despite thinking that they say the truth. Do not use force to conclude. Entrust a mediator.

6 - If one forces through then they will have to forego their tranquillity.
Those who exaggerate.
In the making
47 - The embarrassment
Circumstances or appearances play a negative role. Justifying oneself is useless, one will be understood later.
What must be recovered? (28.4)
What must be recovered? -> 60.4 > 58
The formation
60 - Limit
One does not go further.

4 - One hesitates to ask others to accept the fatigue, so they finish the preparation with the most capable.
It's also better to ask here rather than making a risky assumption.
In the making
58 - Attraction
Wait before committing oneself. A simple proposal is enough. One wants to know what the other desires before responding.
Who or what hesitates? (60.4)
Who or what hesitates? -> 43.3.5 > 54
The formation
43 - Revelation
The concern shall be clearly described, shouting results in danger. Explain the situation to one's entourage. Avoid any brutality and do not divert.

3 - One drops the less important.
5 - Others return because one didn't want to continue.
We need to ask about the less important.
In the making
54 - Assistance
Protect one's interests by making oneself useful.
What is the less important? (43.3)
What is the less important? -> 58.4.5 > 19
The formation
58 - Attraction
Wait before committing oneself. A simple proposal is enough. One wants to know what the other desires before responding.

4 - Profiteers want to limit the response to the most modest demands.
5 - Repel the dangerous incitations.
Those who consider that abandoning desires is dangerous.
In the making
19 - To accompany
One calls the youngest so they return.
Who or what are the others? (60.4)
Who or what are the others? -> 41.2 > 27
The formation
41 - Remove
One loses their support and abandons. Accepting the constraints will arouse sympathy.

2 - The difficulty would be too great if one accepted.
It is important to ask what cannot be accepted here.
In the making
27 - Supply
One supplies as needed.
What is too difficult to accept? (41.2)
What is too difficult to accept? -> 5
The formation
5 - Patience
Something is coming, look forward to it with confidence rather than going and see.
It's too difficult to wait.

What preparation? (60.4)
What preparation? -> > 53
The formation
61 - Immobilized
Show patience, one is asked to make progress.

1 - Preparing what is necessary but waiting to be asked for it.
2 - Receiving a friendly request.
3 - When one is attracted, they are sometimes suspicious of the other and resist their advances, then when one sees that the other does not go astray and endures waiting, one changes their mind and returns before it is too late, by helping more than necessary.
Love, attraction.
In the making
53 - To associate
One offers their fellows to overcome constraints by associating.
Who or what are the most capable? (60.4)
Who or what are the most capable? -> 6.6 > 47
The formation
6 - Claim
One is prevented from continuing, despite thinking that they say the truth. Do not use force to conclude. Entrust a mediator.

6 - If one forces through then they will have to forego their tranquillity.
Forcing through.
In the making
47 - The embarrassment
Circumstances or appearances play a negative role. Justifying oneself is useless, one will be understood later.
Who or what distributes action? (48)
Who or what distributes action? -> 59.6 > 29
The formation
59 - Separation
One endures separation without opposing it by force.

6 - When one does not know if they can repair, they move away and refrain from asking the most able for resources to continue.
We need to elaborate here.
In the making
29 - Depth
When problems are too difficult, one tries to work around them.
Who or what does not know if they can repair? (59.6)
Who or what does not know if they can repair? -> > 60
The formation
1 - Evolution
Changing to obtain quality work.

3 - After a sustained activity, one questions themself.
4 - One can confront the problems.
6 - One is getting into bothers.
Those who are losing desires.
In the making
60 - Limit
One does not go further.
What needs to be repaired? (59.6)
What needs to be repaired? -> 61.6 > 60
The formation
61 - Immobilized
Show patience, one is asked to make progress.

6 - Others lack confidence because one answered too fast.
Lack of confidence in desires.
In the making
60 - Limit
One does not go further.
Who or what are the most able? (59.6)
Who or what are the most able? -> > 7
The formation
28 - Abandonment
One goes on their own if necessary. Stick to the essential.

3 - One must preserve the link.
4 - One is supported by others but needs to recover.
5 - One hurries to repair before others notice the decline.
Taking actions to restore desire.
In the making
7 - The will
To solve their problems, one will need discipline and continuity.
What action is distributed? (48)
What action is distributed? -> 19
The formation
19 - To accompany
One calls the youngest so they return.
We can ask about the youngest.

Who or what are the youngest? (19)
Who or what are the youngest? -> 4
The formation
4 - Asking for advice
Give references to the student who asks oneself questions, but delay before answering to the foolish questions. That way the student will trust their judgment.
Asking for advice, as the title of the hexagram says.

What is the plan? (48)
What is the plan? -> > 2
The formation
17 - To guide
When one rejoices others, they join with them.

1 - If one talks without bias, the opinions of others will be useful.
4 - When one gets, it leads to requests.
5 - One is guided by what they love.
Again, we can ask more questions in order to clarify.
In the making
2 - Obedience
Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.
Who or what rejoices others? (17)
Who or what rejoices others? -> 63.5 > 36
The formation
63 - Maximum
One can make a few improvements to not see the decline.

5 - Simple will do better than complicate.
In the making
36 - Adversity
One isolates themself to correct the situation.
Who or what are the others? (17)
Who or what are the others? -> 21.1 > 35
The formation
21 - To decide
One would like to meet but must accept arbitration.

1 - One sends a relative away to teach them.
Breaking a relationship.
In the making
35 - Discovery
Answers come naturally.
Talk about what? (17.1)
Talk about what? -> 60.1.2 > 8
The formation
60 - Limit
One does not go further.

1 - One stops tiring themself out while waiting until their friends return.
2 - One hides their uncertainties to control the situation.
We need to ask about the friends and the uncertainties.
In the making
8 - Sharing
Sharing a common vision. Hesitations can lead to regrets.
Who or what are the friends? (60.1)
Who or what are the friends? -> 52.1 > 22
The formation
52 - Stop
One recognizes that it is time to stop because they need to be fed.

1 - One does not go to see what others are doing, in order to avoid bothers.
This question was not useful. So, one needs to talk about staying quiet until the friends they have lost return. The oracle told us that knowing who are the friends is none of our business.
In the making
22 - Reservation
One shall not move too hastily.
What are the uncertainties? (60.2)
What are the uncertainties? -> 33.2 > 44
The formation
33 - Moving away
Before leaving, one must hand over the reins.

2 - One wants to leave but they are retained for responding.
Someone who has lost desire may attract some interest so they need to talk about it.
In the making
44 - Invitation
One must not abuse hospitality.
The opinion of who or what? (17.1)
The opinion of who or what? -> 59.4.6 > 47
The formation
59 - Separation
One endures separation without opposing it by force.

4 - One asks the most able to call when the preparation will be finished.
6 - When one does not know if they can repair, they move away and refrain from asking the most able for resources to continue.
The opinion of those who endure separation may be useful to those who are desireless.
In the making
47 - The embarrassment
Circumstances or appearances play a negative role. Justifying oneself is useless, one will be understood later.
One gets what? (17.4)
One gets what? -> > 2
The formation
41 - Remove
One loses their support and abandons. Accepting the constraints will arouse sympathy.

1 - When one compels they must stop.
2 - The difficulty would be too great if one accepted.
6 - Others come to help.
Compelling oneself to become desireless.
In the making
2 - Obedience
Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.
What are the requests? (17.4)
What are the requests? -> 12.4.5 > 23
The formation
12 - Disorganization
Problems prevent the progress. The best solution would be to leave.

4 - Without taking initiatives, one is asked to commit. The friends are helped.
5 - One has put order, but is still careful.
Again we need more questions, this part is very difficult to understand.
In the making
23 - Erosion
Decline that one can control by using their reservations.
Who or what is asked to commit? (12.4)
Who or what is asked to commit? -> 2.6 > 23
The formation
2 - Obedience
Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.

6 - Others are surprised because one has acted without concert.
Acting spontaneously.
In the making
23 - Erosion
Decline that one can control by using their reservations.
Who or what are the friends? (12.4)
Who or what are the friends? -> > 64
The formation
1 - Evolution
Changing to obtain quality work.

1 - One is still too weak to act.
3 - After a sustained activity, one questions themself.
5 - One has understood the needs of the times.
Those who question their desirelessness.
In the making
64 - Instability
One must show patience and only act knowingly. They are cautious and inform their relatives.
What kind of help is provided? (12.4)
What kind of help is provided? -> 54.1.4 > 7
The formation
54 - Assistance
Protect one's interests by making oneself useful.

1 - One hesitates so they go further.
4 - One wants to prepare themself.
Escalating the situation.
In the making
7 - The will
To solve their problems, one will need discipline and continuity.
Who or what is putting order? (12.5)
Who or what is putting order? -> > 6
The formation
43 - Revelation
The concern shall be clearly described, shouting results in danger. Explain the situation to one's entourage. Avoid any brutality and do not divert.

1 - There is a risk of rupture by displaying one's preferences. One must keep a low profile.
3 - One drops the less important.
6 - It is imprudent to avoid questions when one doesn't want to be embarrassed.
Line 3 shows that someone needs to set their priorities and need to choose between the advantages of balanced relationships (line 1) and sincerity (line 6).
In the making
6 - Claim
One is prevented from continuing, despite thinking that they say the truth. Do not use force to conclude. Entrust a mediator.
What do they love? (17.5)
What do they love? -> 49.1.3 > 45
The formation
49 - Arrange
Renewal is necessary when deficiencies are identified and one has a substitution plan. It will be in their interest to complete the changes. One should forget regrets.

1 - One is tied by constraints so they join others.
3 - Others don't back up the reforms so one withdraws until the doubts are removed.
Withdrawing until the doubts are removed
In the making
45 - Group
The responsibility of a group requires foresight, perseverance and availability.
Again, it would have been simpler to ask What is the essence?, but I have chosen to let the oracle comment without interfering.
The oracle commented this line with 28.4: One is supported by others but needs to recover. This line is often about repairing a broken relationship. Relationships are easily broken when desire is gone. The broken relationship is repaired with the help of others.
When asked, the oracle told us that desire is lost because of the view of others who exaggerate. What needs to be recovered is described with 60.4: One hesitates to ask others to accept the fatigue, so they finish the preparation with the most capable. The preparation is Love, the most capable are those who force through so we can think of spirits or demons attacks, which would tell us what the essence is. The others are those who cannot wait.
So, this would mean that when someone is desireless, they see the essence in that it opens the way for spirits who attempt to restore desire. There is a lot more of insight to get but we get the meaning here I think.
The hexagram 28 abandonment, is about abandoning aggressive actions that would lead to desire, like making improvements to oneself (12.1), helping others to fix their flaws (12.2) and vanquishing the eventual competitors (12.6). Those who do that need to be self-sufficient (27). They have to forego simplicity and refuse the help from others, they must reject even the most modest demands.
The hexagram 28 transforms itself into 48. The plan is explained with It's simpler to break the relationships than to continue them without desire. 17.1 is about discussing with those who are enduring separation, 17.4 reminds us that those who stay away from desire are subject to spirit attacks (2.6) who escalate the situation. The request is also to clarify one own's priorities between sincerity and keeping a low profile about their preferences. Finally a healthy relationship is only possible when doubts are removed.
The desireless is someone who wants to go alone, the spirits have the desire to experience feelings. When someone is desireless, the spirits become angry and quickly escalate the situation. We get our feelings, love and anxiety alike, through these spirits but we cannot realize this until we become desireless for a sufficient time.
The Yi Jing commented:
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence -> 28.4 > 48
The formation
28 - Abandonment
One goes on their own if necessary. Stick to the essential.
4 - One is supported by others but needs to recover.
In the making
48 - Organization
One distributes their action according to a plan.
My interpretation:
The hexagram 28 seems to refer to abandoning desires in order to stick to the essence, and the hexagram 48 also to the essence, because in the original Chinese comments this hexagram is called The Well. The line 4 is still a bit mysterious. We are going to ask follow-up questions to verify this interpretation and clarify this reading.
Abandonment of what? (28)
Abandonment of what? -> > 58
The formation
12 - Disorganization
Problems prevent the progress. The best solution would be to leave.
1 - If one makes a correction, they will make more.
2 - Ineptitude does not disturb profiteers, a talented person will want to address it.
6 - The reorganization has succeeded. Rejoicing.
Those three lines describe aggressive actions that would end the desorganization.
In the making
58 - Attraction
Wait before committing oneself. A simple proposal is enough. One wants to know what the other desires before responding.
The outcome 58 is related to desire.
Who/what goes on their own? (28)
Who/what goes on their own? -> 27
The formation
27 - Supply
One supplies as needed.
Supplies come on their own without the need to perform any aggressive action.
What is the essential? (28)
What is the essential? -> 10.1.5 > 64
The formation
10 - Persistence
One is committed with confidence, in the long term and with a simple goal, without looking for outside help.
1 - One is satisfied with what they can do.
5 - One moves away from the path.
Retreating from the path. We can ask a few more questions here.
In the making
64 - Instability
One must show patience and only act knowingly. They are cautious and inform their relatives.
What is the goal? (10)
What is the goal? -> 19.1 > 7
The formation
19 - To accompany
One calls the youngest so they return.
1 - One departs before others stop.
Stepping back.
In the making
7 - The will
To solve their problems, one will need discipline and continuity.
What path? (10.5)
What path? -> 29.2.4 > 45
The formation
29 - Depth
When problems are too difficult, one tries to work around them.
2 - When one encounters too great difficulties, they leave them to those who know how to handle them.
4 - When one has little means, they are content with simple things.
The path of simplicity and of accepting help from others.
In the making
45 - Group
The responsibility of a group requires foresight, perseverance and availability.
Patience about what? (64)
Patience about what? -> 58.5 > 54
The formation
58 - Attraction
Wait before committing oneself. A simple proposal is enough. One wants to know what the other desires before responding.
5 - Repel the dangerous incitations.
Repelling desires? It's better to ask.
In the making
54 - Assistance
Protect one's interests by making oneself useful.
What are the dangerous incitations? (58.5)
What are the dangerous incitations? -> 15.3 > 2
The formation
15 - Decency
One shall not provoke with initiatives.
3 - One remains modest despite their success so they can continue.
The most dangerous for them would be to allow modest seductive attempts.
In the making
2 - Obedience
Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.
Who or what is supported by others? (28.4)
Who or what is supported by others? -> 24.4 > 51
The formation
24 - To return
One returns to see the results of their action.
4 - One sees that others exaggerate, so they move away.
The abandonment of desires is supported by the view of others who exaggerate.
In the making
51 - Shock
Something is coming which enables the identification of a problem.
Who or what are the others? (28.4)
Who or what are the others? -> 6.6 > 47
The formation
6 - Claim
One is prevented from continuing, despite thinking that they say the truth. Do not use force to conclude. Entrust a mediator.
6 - If one forces through then they will have to forego their tranquillity.
Those who exaggerate.
In the making
47 - The embarrassment
Circumstances or appearances play a negative role. Justifying oneself is useless, one will be understood later.
What must be recovered? (28.4)
What must be recovered? -> 60.4 > 58
The formation
60 - Limit
One does not go further.
4 - One hesitates to ask others to accept the fatigue, so they finish the preparation with the most capable.
It's also better to ask here rather than making a risky assumption.
In the making
58 - Attraction
Wait before committing oneself. A simple proposal is enough. One wants to know what the other desires before responding.
Who or what hesitates? (60.4)
Who or what hesitates? -> 43.3.5 > 54
The formation
43 - Revelation
The concern shall be clearly described, shouting results in danger. Explain the situation to one's entourage. Avoid any brutality and do not divert.
3 - One drops the less important.
5 - Others return because one didn't want to continue.
We need to ask about the less important.
In the making
54 - Assistance
Protect one's interests by making oneself useful.
What is the less important? (43.3)
What is the less important? -> 58.4.5 > 19
The formation
58 - Attraction
Wait before committing oneself. A simple proposal is enough. One wants to know what the other desires before responding.
4 - Profiteers want to limit the response to the most modest demands.
5 - Repel the dangerous incitations.
Those who consider that abandoning desires is dangerous.
In the making
19 - To accompany
One calls the youngest so they return.
Who or what are the others? (60.4)
Who or what are the others? -> 41.2 > 27
The formation
41 - Remove
One loses their support and abandons. Accepting the constraints will arouse sympathy.
2 - The difficulty would be too great if one accepted.
It is important to ask what cannot be accepted here.
In the making
27 - Supply
One supplies as needed.
What is too difficult to accept? (41.2)
What is too difficult to accept? -> 5
The formation
5 - Patience
Something is coming, look forward to it with confidence rather than going and see.
It's too difficult to wait.
What preparation? (60.4)
What preparation? -> > 53
The formation
61 - Immobilized
Show patience, one is asked to make progress.
1 - Preparing what is necessary but waiting to be asked for it.
2 - Receiving a friendly request.
3 - When one is attracted, they are sometimes suspicious of the other and resist their advances, then when one sees that the other does not go astray and endures waiting, one changes their mind and returns before it is too late, by helping more than necessary.
Love, attraction.
In the making
53 - To associate
One offers their fellows to overcome constraints by associating.
Who or what are the most capable? (60.4)
Who or what are the most capable? -> 6.6 > 47
The formation
6 - Claim
One is prevented from continuing, despite thinking that they say the truth. Do not use force to conclude. Entrust a mediator.
6 - If one forces through then they will have to forego their tranquillity.
Forcing through.
In the making
47 - The embarrassment
Circumstances or appearances play a negative role. Justifying oneself is useless, one will be understood later.
Who or what distributes action? (48)
Who or what distributes action? -> 59.6 > 29
The formation
59 - Separation
One endures separation without opposing it by force.
6 - When one does not know if they can repair, they move away and refrain from asking the most able for resources to continue.
We need to elaborate here.
In the making
29 - Depth
When problems are too difficult, one tries to work around them.
Who or what does not know if they can repair? (59.6)
Who or what does not know if they can repair? -> > 60
The formation
1 - Evolution
Changing to obtain quality work.
3 - After a sustained activity, one questions themself.
4 - One can confront the problems.
6 - One is getting into bothers.
Those who are losing desires.
In the making
60 - Limit
One does not go further.
What needs to be repaired? (59.6)
What needs to be repaired? -> 61.6 > 60
The formation
61 - Immobilized
Show patience, one is asked to make progress.
6 - Others lack confidence because one answered too fast.
Lack of confidence in desires.
In the making
60 - Limit
One does not go further.
Who or what are the most able? (59.6)
Who or what are the most able? -> > 7
The formation
28 - Abandonment
One goes on their own if necessary. Stick to the essential.
3 - One must preserve the link.
4 - One is supported by others but needs to recover.
5 - One hurries to repair before others notice the decline.
Taking actions to restore desire.
In the making
7 - The will
To solve their problems, one will need discipline and continuity.
What action is distributed? (48)
What action is distributed? -> 19
The formation
19 - To accompany
One calls the youngest so they return.
We can ask about the youngest.
Who or what are the youngest? (19)
Who or what are the youngest? -> 4
The formation
4 - Asking for advice
Give references to the student who asks oneself questions, but delay before answering to the foolish questions. That way the student will trust their judgment.
Asking for advice, as the title of the hexagram says.
What is the plan? (48)
What is the plan? -> > 2
The formation
17 - To guide
When one rejoices others, they join with them.
1 - If one talks without bias, the opinions of others will be useful.
4 - When one gets, it leads to requests.
5 - One is guided by what they love.
Again, we can ask more questions in order to clarify.
In the making
2 - Obedience
Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.
Who or what rejoices others? (17)
Who or what rejoices others? -> 63.5 > 36
The formation
63 - Maximum
One can make a few improvements to not see the decline.
5 - Simple will do better than complicate.
In the making
36 - Adversity
One isolates themself to correct the situation.
Who or what are the others? (17)
Who or what are the others? -> 21.1 > 35
The formation
21 - To decide
One would like to meet but must accept arbitration.
1 - One sends a relative away to teach them.
Breaking a relationship.
In the making
35 - Discovery
Answers come naturally.
Talk about what? (17.1)
Talk about what? -> 60.1.2 > 8
The formation
60 - Limit
One does not go further.
1 - One stops tiring themself out while waiting until their friends return.
2 - One hides their uncertainties to control the situation.
We need to ask about the friends and the uncertainties.
In the making
8 - Sharing
Sharing a common vision. Hesitations can lead to regrets.
Who or what are the friends? (60.1)
Who or what are the friends? -> 52.1 > 22
The formation
52 - Stop
One recognizes that it is time to stop because they need to be fed.
1 - One does not go to see what others are doing, in order to avoid bothers.
This question was not useful. So, one needs to talk about staying quiet until the friends they have lost return. The oracle told us that knowing who are the friends is none of our business.
In the making
22 - Reservation
One shall not move too hastily.
What are the uncertainties? (60.2)
What are the uncertainties? -> 33.2 > 44
The formation
33 - Moving away
Before leaving, one must hand over the reins.
2 - One wants to leave but they are retained for responding.
Someone who has lost desire may attract some interest so they need to talk about it.
In the making
44 - Invitation
One must not abuse hospitality.
The opinion of who or what? (17.1)
The opinion of who or what? -> 59.4.6 > 47
The formation
59 - Separation
One endures separation without opposing it by force.
4 - One asks the most able to call when the preparation will be finished.
6 - When one does not know if they can repair, they move away and refrain from asking the most able for resources to continue.
The opinion of those who endure separation may be useful to those who are desireless.
In the making
47 - The embarrassment
Circumstances or appearances play a negative role. Justifying oneself is useless, one will be understood later.
One gets what? (17.4)
One gets what? -> > 2
The formation
41 - Remove
One loses their support and abandons. Accepting the constraints will arouse sympathy.
1 - When one compels they must stop.
2 - The difficulty would be too great if one accepted.
6 - Others come to help.
Compelling oneself to become desireless.
In the making
2 - Obedience
Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.
What are the requests? (17.4)
What are the requests? -> 12.4.5 > 23
The formation
12 - Disorganization
Problems prevent the progress. The best solution would be to leave.
4 - Without taking initiatives, one is asked to commit. The friends are helped.
5 - One has put order, but is still careful.
Again we need more questions, this part is very difficult to understand.
In the making
23 - Erosion
Decline that one can control by using their reservations.
Who or what is asked to commit? (12.4)
Who or what is asked to commit? -> 2.6 > 23
The formation
2 - Obedience
Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.
6 - Others are surprised because one has acted without concert.
Acting spontaneously.
In the making
23 - Erosion
Decline that one can control by using their reservations.
Who or what are the friends? (12.4)
Who or what are the friends? -> > 64
The formation
1 - Evolution
Changing to obtain quality work.
1 - One is still too weak to act.
3 - After a sustained activity, one questions themself.
5 - One has understood the needs of the times.
Those who question their desirelessness.
In the making
64 - Instability
One must show patience and only act knowingly. They are cautious and inform their relatives.
What kind of help is provided? (12.4)
What kind of help is provided? -> 54.1.4 > 7
The formation
54 - Assistance
Protect one's interests by making oneself useful.
1 - One hesitates so they go further.
4 - One wants to prepare themself.
Escalating the situation.
In the making
7 - The will
To solve their problems, one will need discipline and continuity.
Who or what is putting order? (12.5)
Who or what is putting order? -> > 6
The formation
43 - Revelation
The concern shall be clearly described, shouting results in danger. Explain the situation to one's entourage. Avoid any brutality and do not divert.
1 - There is a risk of rupture by displaying one's preferences. One must keep a low profile.
3 - One drops the less important.
6 - It is imprudent to avoid questions when one doesn't want to be embarrassed.
Line 3 shows that someone needs to set their priorities and need to choose between the advantages of balanced relationships (line 1) and sincerity (line 6).
In the making
6 - Claim
One is prevented from continuing, despite thinking that they say the truth. Do not use force to conclude. Entrust a mediator.
What do they love? (17.5)
What do they love? -> 49.1.3 > 45
The formation
49 - Arrange
Renewal is necessary when deficiencies are identified and one has a substitution plan. It will be in their interest to complete the changes. One should forget regrets.
1 - One is tied by constraints so they join others.
3 - Others don't back up the reforms so one withdraws until the doubts are removed.
Withdrawing until the doubts are removed
In the making
45 - Group
The responsibility of a group requires foresight, perseverance and availability.
Again, it would have been simpler to ask What is the essence?, but I have chosen to let the oracle comment without interfering.
The oracle commented this line with 28.4: One is supported by others but needs to recover. This line is often about repairing a broken relationship. Relationships are easily broken when desire is gone. The broken relationship is repaired with the help of others.
When asked, the oracle told us that desire is lost because of the view of others who exaggerate. What needs to be recovered is described with 60.4: One hesitates to ask others to accept the fatigue, so they finish the preparation with the most capable. The preparation is Love, the most capable are those who force through so we can think of spirits or demons attacks, which would tell us what the essence is. The others are those who cannot wait.
So, this would mean that when someone is desireless, they see the essence in that it opens the way for spirits who attempt to restore desire. There is a lot more of insight to get but we get the meaning here I think.
The hexagram 28 abandonment, is about abandoning aggressive actions that would lead to desire, like making improvements to oneself (12.1), helping others to fix their flaws (12.2) and vanquishing the eventual competitors (12.6). Those who do that need to be self-sufficient (27). They have to forego simplicity and refuse the help from others, they must reject even the most modest demands.
The hexagram 28 transforms itself into 48. The plan is explained with It's simpler to break the relationships than to continue them without desire. 17.1 is about discussing with those who are enduring separation, 17.4 reminds us that those who stay away from desire are subject to spirit attacks (2.6) who escalate the situation. The request is also to clarify one own's priorities between sincerity and keeping a low profile about their preferences. Finally a healthy relationship is only possible when doubts are removed.
The desireless is someone who wants to go alone, the spirits have the desire to experience feelings. When someone is desireless, the spirits become angry and quickly escalate the situation. We get our feelings, love and anxiety alike, through these spirits but we cannot realize this until we become desireless for a sufficient time.