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Daily reading: 15.2 ('Slow progress' to beat South Sumatra fires)

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  • Daily reading: 15.2 ('Slow progress' to beat South Sumatra fires)


    The Yi Jing commented:

    'Slow progress' to beat South Sumatra fires -> 15.2 > 46

    The formation
    15 - Decency
    One shall not provoke with initiatives.

    2 - One shows to others when it is necessary.

    In the making
    46 - Formation
    One is guided until they reach knowledge.

    My interpretation:

    We can ask some follow-up questions here:

    What initiatives? (from 15)

    What initiatives? -> 20.5 > 23

    The formation
    20 - View
    Going to see and be seen.

    5 - One shows to a qualified person.

    At this point we have no clue about what is shown. So we need to ask again.

    In the making
    23 - Erosion
    Decline that one can control by using their reserves.

    Shows what? (from 15.2)

    Shows what? -> 40.2.4 > 2

    The formation
    40 - Amending
    One makes progress by abandoning what limited them.

    2 - One is asked to find the answers before it is too late.
    4 - Doors will open if one deviates from an unnecessary convenience.

    In the making
    2 - Obedience
    Being able to provide assistance, without taking decisions.

    This is about the video because once it's done playing the page changes to another.

    Who are the others? (from 15.2)

    Who are the others? -> > 21

    The formation
    3 - Remedy
    Time will need to be spent. Seek assistance and clarify the situation by identifying the problems.

    4 - Someone will receive help if they wait for their turn.
    5 - One wants to know before they decide.
    6 - One commits themself alone because others are waiting for proofs before supporting the improvements. Instead of hesitating, one should change their neighborhood to overcome the difficulties.

    The others are the readers of the article.

    In the making
    21 - To decide
    One would like to meet but must accept arbitration.

    What knowledge? (from 46)

    What knowledge? -> 63.4 > 49

    The formation
    63 - Maximum
    One can make a few improvements to not see the decline.

    4 - When one meets unexpected difficulties, they rush to check.

    There is only a limited time to watch the video before the page changes.

    In the making
    49 - Arrange
    Renewal is necessary when deficiencies are identified and one has a substitution plan. It will be in their interest to complete the changes. One should forget regrets.

    This comment is about the video on the page. At the end of the video, another one is loaded (, this initiative is criticized by the Yi Jing.